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> From: Skylar Woodward <>
> Date: May 23, 2011 6:14:00 PM PDT
> To: Skylar Woodward <>
> Cc: Eran Hammer-Lahav <>, OAuth WG <>
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] issues with token age element - MAC token
> So after discussing this today and reflecting on it a bit, I would suggest 
> that nonce simply be the "unique value" (as it is so named) without further 
> requirements. It might be suggested that this be composed of an 
> random+timestamp (not age) value, but that seems more of a MAY or 
> "recommended" practice. If the expectation is that very few if any providers 
> would actually check the timestamp (or moreover, the nonce itself), why add 
> terminology in the draft that requires it? Developers are doing extra 
> housekeeping (and perhaps for a perceived benefit) but with no payoff or 
> added security.
> I'm sending this feedback based on having implemented the v3-5 changes last 
> night (for both client credentials and requests w/ access tokens). After the 
> changes, the nonce creation is now the most complicated part of the 
> normalized request string and yet these changes offer the least benefit. 
> What's most important is that nonces are unique on each request for an ID.
> There are issues with age as well:
> - As Bill mentioned, if the client stores the issue time based on receipt, 
> then the internal clock changes (presumably w/o knowledge of the software 
> storing the dates) then time will also fail. Assuming that a user with a bad 
> clock (of by hours or more) will never fix it and actually encourages bad 
> user behavior (don't fix your clock or Twitterbot will stop working!). Though 
> we say that timezones won't bring about the situation of changed clock, I'd 
> be to differ. Many users aren't savvy enough to change time zone, but just 
> adjust the time to local time anyway. Users who are more likely to get it 
> right already have auto clock sync enabled (via web, mobile, etc.)
> - What if the token wasn't originally issued programmatically? In this case, 
> the issue time has to be obtained from the server and stored on the client 
> then you have the same problem as with a timestamp - the client clock is not 
> sync'd to the server clock and there is no adjustment. You want this to apply 
> to uses outside of just OAuth, but now requiring the client to be able to 
> determine an issue time based on when it receives an HTTP request necessarily 
> limits the types of token flows for which this can be used.
> - It's one more detail to store. Hardly an issue for a developer, but it is 
> inelegant. It's like having a double ID. Yet it's not an ID, it is actually 
> more of a recording of "my personal clock offset value" but obfuscated 
> several times over (one for each token) as issue_date.
> - This implementation assumes software programs use the computer internal 
> clock exclusively for timestamp. A robust program that is dependent on 
> accurate timestamps would ping the origin server (or similar trusted time 
> authority) to ask it the current time. Then it could store a "my device clock 
> offset" value for the lifetime of the program execution. All requests needing 
> timestamp would be adjusted accordingly. For age, if the clock is changed 
> since the stored issue_date, the problem can't be corrected in this manner. 
> Thus, a significant advantage for timestamp.
> All in all, this seems like a misguided but well-intentioned attempt to get 
> around end-user issues of mis-set clocks. It feels like a hack and it 
> certainly isn't a foolproof solution. The more I think about the implications 
> of the age parameter, the less I like it. Timestamp has been used for many 
> years in the industry and with reasonable success in relevant applications. 
> If we change to a new way of trying to sync on time I think we run a greater 
> risk of stumbling upon unforeseen issues, such as those outlined above.
> I recommend the requirement of an age (or timestamp for that matter) be 
> dropped from the nonce construction. For providers that deem it valuable, 
> timestamp can be an optional value (either as part of the nonce or the 
> overall header, as before).
> skylar
> On May 23, 2011, at 2:11 AM, Skylar Woodward wrote:
>> You may have noticed, on page 8 the host is listed as "" - should 
>> be, I believe.  (draft v5)
>> All in all, I'm in support of the changes in v2. Certainly addresses my 
>> hesitations from v2.
>> skylar
>> On May 9, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
>>> (Please discuss this draft on the Apps-Discuss <> 
>>> mailing list)
>>> While this document has moved to the Apps-Discuss mailing list for the time 
>>> being, I wanted to give a quick update to those who have been following 
>>> this draft which originated on this list.
>>> The major changes since -02 are:
>>> * Removed OAuth terminology and association. The draft is now a general 
>>> purpose HTTP authentication scheme. It does include an OAuth 2.0 binding 
>>> which is described in less than a page. One suggestion would be to move 
>>> section 5.1 into the OAuth specification and drop all the OAuth 2.0 text 
>>> from the MAC draft.
>>> * Added 'Set-Cookie' extension for using MAC with session cookies.
>>> * Removed request URI query normalization. The new draft uses the raw 
>>> request URI unchanged.
>>> * Replaced timestamps with credentials age to remove the need for clock 
>>> sync.
>>> * Added a placeholder for extension, allowing random text to be included in 
>>> the request and MAC.
>>> * Added issuer attribute for identifying the source of the credentials as 
>>> an additional protection.
>>> Draft -04 is not compatible with previous drafts.
>>> EHL
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