
a have a question regarding unauthenticated requests to a token endpoint
in OAuth 2.0. The spec v2-15 section 3 says[1] that "the authorization
server MAY allow unauthenticated access token requests when the client
identity does not matter". Does that mean omitting "client_id" and
"client_secret" parameters altogether?

In our setting there are two types of clients: regular clients with
proper credentials (username/password) and JavaScript clients working
anonymously. The server is supposed to grant different permissions to
these groups of clients based on the authentication method used.

It's not clear from the spec how the anonymous access should be
requested. Please advice!


[1]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-15#section-3

Vlad Skvortsov, VP Engineering Echo, v...@aboutecho.com
OAuth mailing list

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