Doug says...
> 2. Is this open to implementors of the spec in addition to it's authors?
> (I'm currently implementing draft 15 as developer @

Eran says...
> This is an official interim working group meeting which goes by all the
> normal IETF rules of such meetings and is open for all.

Indeed, thanks, Eran, for the reminder here.

Yes, this is an open meeting -- there are NO restrictions on who may
attend, other than that we ask people to sign up in advance so the
logistics can be properly set up.  We hope to have a room full of
people who want to spend the day finishing up the OAuth specs by
getting the issues resolved -- negotiating and coming up with
compromises where necessary.

And the meeting is also covered by the IETF's "Note Well" (as is this
mailing list).  Anyone who needs a reminder of what that says can look

Barry, as chair
OAuth mailing list

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