
I'm implementing an authorization and resource server at worked based on the
oauth2 draft 15. A question arose about the user experience of users of an
implicit client flow.  I've set a one hour expiry on access tokens but now
the question is should the client be forced to re-prompt the user for
authorization when their receive an error response from the resource server
or when they refresh the page?

I realize that some implementation details like this are mentioned as being
beyond the scope of the spec but I wanted to get a general sense of what the
authors and implementors thoughts about how it would actually be used and
what is the expected user experience.

I also realize that from a server's perspective, without a client secret,
authorization code, or other prior evidence of who a request is coming from
that there is little way for a server to be permissive about allowing for
the refreshing of an access token in an implicit flow. Has there been any
conversation around possible alternatives that would permit users of the
implicit flow to have the same user experience as the authorization code


-Doug Tangren
OAuth mailing list

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