The issues around redirect_uri seem muddled to me.  Here's what I know right 

Brian Eaton apparently said:
>This provides a defense against authorization codes which have leaked due to 
>open redirectors.

I looked for "redirector" in

which is apparently the latest draft of the security considerations document.  
The only mention is in section 4.2.4 under "Threat: Open redirector", which I 
can quote in full:

   An attacker could use the end-user authorization endpoint and the
   redirect_uri parameter to abuse the authorization server as


   o  don't redirect to redirect_uri, if client identity or redirect_uri
      could not be verified

I don't know what this means.  The word "abuse" is vague, and the "Impact" 
section is blank.  At least in the bearer token version of the protocol, I 
believe we do all of our redirecting before verifying the client identity, so I 
don't see how we can know whether the client identity can be verified when 
we're deciding whether to redirect.   It would help to have a specific sequence 
of events that is undesired.  I can't tell if this only mention of "redirector" 
in Torsten Lodderstedt's document matches what Brian was talking about.

I talked some about whether we need the redirect_uri at:

Judging by the "Next by thread" link on that page, nobody replied to this.  I 
do not think the failure scenario I described involves an open redirector, so I 
think the problem I described (if the redirect_uri is not checked) is different 
from Brian's.  I haven't read the security considerations document carefully 
enough to know whether the failure scenario I described appears in it.

From: [] On Behalf Of Brian 
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:29 PM
To: Doug Tangren
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] requirement of redirect_uri in access token requests

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Doug Tangren 
<<>> wrote:
Is this required or not? In the example it's listed in 
the example but not itemized as optional or required. It's not in the example 
for refreshing tokens though that section 
links back to section 3.1 which does use a redirect_uri in the example.

Should the redirect_uri be a requirement for client authentication or is it 

It should be required when exchanging an authorization code for a refresh 
token.  This provides a defense against authorization codes which have leaked 
due to open redirectors.

It should not be present under other circumstances.
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