That WRAP allowed extension and that someone extended with a second assertion
does not imply that a second assertion is provided for in WRAP. It means that
WRAP allowed extension. AQre we trying to bring that extension into the main
spec as a needed use case?
From: Anthony Nadalin <>
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav <>; Dick Hardt <>
Cc: OAuth WG <>
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Revised Section 3
Not sure I have to show you anything. The WRAP specification does not preclude
the usage of 2 assertions as this was one of the must support use cases for
WRAP. As I indicated this was not the best spelled out feature in the WRAP
specification. Yaron’s append was an attempt to clarify the use case with
additional text. If you want to come on site you can see the code and the dates
on the code that predates Yaron’s text.
From:Eran Hammer-Lahav []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:40 PM
To: Anthony Nadalin; Dick Hardt
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: RE: [OAUTH-WG] Revised Section 3
Let me make sure we’re clear here:
Your argument is that this is not a new use case because WRAP allows
‘additional parameters’ and doesn’t explicitly forbids it?
If I missed something, please quote the exact normative language in WRAP
showing how to use two assertions, or any text differentiating between using an
assertion for client authentication vs. using an assertion for resource owner
authorization. Show me anything that pre-dates Yaron’s text documenting the two
assertions use case.
From:Anthony Nadalin []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:34 PM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav; Dick Hardt
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: RE: [OAUTH-WG] Revised Section 3
I disagree here, this is not new or even completely new use case as this was in
WRAP as we are using this feature now. I would agree that it’s not very well
documented but that was attempted by Yaron in his append was to clarify the
From:Eran Hammer-Lahav []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 3:25 PM
To: Anthony Nadalin; Dick Hardt
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Revised Section 3
From: Anthony Nadalin <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2011 14:51:33 -0700
AJN-> So the client credentials originate from WRAP also, it’s not completely
new, it may be new the way that it got worded but the same functionality was in
WRAP. The section 5.2 (and subsections) in the WAP specification is where you
see the assertion documented but what is not explicitly stated (other than
additional parameters clause)there but not disallowed is the ability to have
the access_token (additional parameters) also specified so you were allowed to
have 2 assertions in WRAP for authentication
It is completely new.
The two assertions functionality is certainly NOT in WRAP. It is not even
hinted at.
Seems to me you just made my case for dropping this issue. If this is your
rational for adding two assertions support in v2, then we can be done right
now. v2 already gives you the exact same 'additional parameters' support and
does not disallow two assertions. You have made statements in the past that
WRAP did everything you needed and that v2 has to cover the same scope.
Well, it already does.
We can certainly continue to debate whether v2 needs to address this new use
case, and if so how to accomplish it, but that is based solely on new
requirements and is an expansion of the agreed protocol scope (WRAP + OAuth
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