#10: 8.4. Defining Additional Error Codes

 Pending Consensus:

 8.4. Defining Additional Error Codes

 In cases where protocol extensions (i.e. access token types, extension
 parameters, or extension grant types) require additional error codes to be
 used with the authorization code grant error response (Section,
 the implicit grant error response (Section, or the token error
 response (Section 5.2), such error codes MAY be defined.

 Extension error codes MUST be registered (following the procedures in
 Section 10.3) if the extension they are used in conjunction with is
 registered.  Additional error codes used with unregistered extensions MAY
 be registered.

 Error codes MUST conform to the error-code ABNF, and SHOULD be prefixed by
 an identifying name when possible.  For example, an error identifying an
 invalid value set to the extension parameter "example" should be named

    error-code   = ALPHA *error-char
    error-char   = "-" / "." / "_" / DIGIT / ALPHA

 Reporter:  Eran Hammer-Lahav   |       Owner:                        
     Type:  suggested change    |      Status:  new                   
 Priority:  major               |   Milestone:  Deliver OAuth 2.0 spec
Component:  v2                  |     Version:                        
 Severity:  Active WG Document  |    Keywords:                        

Ticket URL: <http://trac.tools.ietf.org/wg/oauth/trac/ticket/10>
oauth <http://tools.ietf.org/oauth/>

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