
I read through the Chain Grant Type for OAuth 2 draft and appreciate the
problem you are addressing.

We encountered the same issue when using open social gadgets with OAuth when
data needs
to come from more than one server.  It is not user friendly to prompt an end
user to log into multiple
servers and a robust chaining model can help.

You indicate a domain is all resource servers that share a common OAuth
token service (Section 2).
Is a token service actually an "authorization server" per v13 of the base
OAuth 2 spec or are you referring to something else ?

In Section 2.2, first two bullets, is the implication that "OAuth token
services" are performing identity federation ?
The spec states the method used to do this is in companion OAuth token
specifications, but it isn't clear to me
which token specification addresses identity federation.  Which token
specs/sections are you referring to as an example ?
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