Maybe you can explain your example in more detail then? I'm assuming your 
"client app" is a web application hosted on web server supporting only HTTP.

How does the nonce or request_id get to the provider as part of the 
authorization request in your example?  (step 1)

On Apr 4, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Phillip Hunt wrote:

> It doesn't require client side ssl. 
> Phil
> Sent from my phone. 
> On 2011-04-04, at 11:47, Skylar Woodward <> wrote:
>> How does the client app transmit the nonce (random number) to the web 
>> browser for redirect to the provider? If the client app does not support 
>> HTTPS, it can't set up a secure session on its own to give the browser/user 
>> something to pass on during the provider authorization.
>> To me, this is nothing different that a unique value of "state" which robust 
>> clients will already use to differentiate request flows. Such a state 
>> variable would be exposed both on its way and back of the provider's 
>> redirect.
>> In any case, I see HTTPS as the simple solution here. I question if it is in 
>> the scope of OAuth to provide a mechanism to the community to protect 
>> against such MITM attacks between a hosted web application and the web 
>> browser.  If the nature of the data requires such protection, the app 
>> developer (or the provider) can work to provide such security outside of 
>> HTTPS.  In the right context, tunneling customer traffic through a 
>> provider-provided VPN could be considered a reasonable protection for the 
>> cases folks have outlined.  It just doesn't seem like a popular need at this 
>> point, and there seem to be no easy wins for hosted clients unable to 
>> register with a certificate authority.
>> On Apr 4, 2011, at 2:23 PM, Phil Hunt wrote:
>>> I have been wondering if we can combine a couple of things such as a client 
>>> generated transaction secret and use limited TLS to achieve a fix.  Note: 
>>> this would address a hacker sniffing a returned authorization code, but it 
>>> probably does little for the MITM scenario that was also outlined.
>>> 1. The client app generate a random number or sequence of characters, lets 
>>> call it "request_id", then that value would be included and securely (using 
>>> TLS) transmitted in the authorization request.
>>> 2. The authorization server does its usual thing and returns, preferably 
>>> securely but not necessarily, the authorization code to the client app.
>>> 3. Upon requesting an access_token, the client app also includes the same 
>>> request_id in its secure request to the token endpoint.
>>> 4. The token server verifies that the "request_id" matches the request_id 
>>> supplied in the authorize request (in addition to all the other processing).
>>> Since both requests are sent securely a sniffing client cannot obtain the 
>>> client request_id even though it might be able to obtain the authorization 
>>> code being returned.
>>> What this might allow is that the client can transmit a secret protected by 
>>> TLS in its outbound request, but can accept non-secure delivery of the 
>>> authorization code.  The token server then has a means to verify that the 
>>> client exchanging the authorization code is the same one that made the 
>>> initial request.
>>> This is off the top of my head, I am sure the proposal is likely not yet a 
>>> complete solution, but maybe someone can build on that.
>>> Phil
>>> On 2011-04-04, at 10:52 AM, Oleg Gryb wrote:
>>>> After looking into exiting (and working) implementations of OAuth 1.0 in 
>>>> mobile world I have strong doubts about possibility of implementing what 
>>>> was suggested in option #3. 
>>>> In my view, two conditions are needed to achieve that:
>>>> 1. Something unique stored on a mobile client.
>>>> 2. That something should be a secret, so other (malicious) clients could 
>>>> not reuse it.
>>>> Distribution of that "unique secrets" should be automated in the mobile 
>>>> world and is usually included to mobile application 
>>>> activation process, but that activation process can't make conditions 1 & 
>>>> 2 above met in full, becuase:
>>>> 1. As soon as secrets are distributed to a mobile device they are not 
>>>> quite secret any more
>>>> 2. As soon as the secret becomes known, a simulator or other mobile device 
>>>> can be used to spoof the traffic
>>>> I would consider option #3 as an illusion until somebody comes up with a 
>>>> solution that would address the described issues.
>>>> BTW, the draft of "OAuth Dynamic Client Registration Protocol" 
>>>> ( has expired on Feb. 
>>>> 12 and I didn't see any attempts to re-vitalise it. I think it would be 
>>>> better and more beneficial for the community to return to this protocol 
>>>> rather than inventing a new method of "mutual authentication". 
>>>> From: Phil Hunt <>
>>>> To: Prateek Mishra <>
>>>> Cc: OAuth WG <>
>>>> Sent: Mon, April 4, 2011 9:52:17 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Authorization code security issue (reframed)
>>>> Apologies for the long message (again). I have attempted to sum things up 
>>>> and bring out the issue without using any existing service or party as an 
>>>> example of problems. It seems some have taken offence to my previous 
>>>> message pushing for a solution. As a result it was not productive. I 
>>>> apologize.  Hopefully this message sticks to the issue of developing an 
>>>> appropriate counter measure to threats as that is my only intent.
>>>> As Prateek clarified in the previous message to Francisco, SAML also uses 
>>>> SHOULD, but artifact security is achieved by an additional 
>>>> counter-measure...
>>>>> The identity provider MUST ensure that only the service provider to whom 
>>>>> the <Response> message has
>>>>> been issued is given the message as the result of an <ArtifactResolve> 
>>>>> request.
>>>> Yet, in OAuth the client app is not unique for a particular set of client 
>>>> credentials we currently have no way to verify that the correct client got 
>>>> the code. This has been the mechanism that the community has been assuming 
>>>> solves the problem. Client credentials do not always work to protect the 
>>>> authorization code because in OAuth you can have many many clients with 
>>>> the same credential. For example everyone with the same mobile app likely 
>>>> has the same client credential. Thus a copy of a valid client app which is 
>>>> easy to obtain becomes the hacker's attack vector. So, the client 
>>>> credential is not an effective counter in this case.
>>>> Several have commented that there are other supplementary techniques for 
>>>> protection, but in my view, most of them work indirectly and/or depend on 
>>>> correct collective configuration of several components. Some of these are: 
>>>> tokens may be used one time; tokens are invalidated if used a second time, 
>>>> tokens are sufficiently unique, etc.  All of these will help. But none are 
>>>> designed to directly counter the attack. In fact the best one - token 
>>>> invalidation carries the additional problem of unreliable service for the 
>>>> legitimate client. The hacker can deny service to anyone in the room 
>>>> simply by re-using any tokens seen.
>>>> From my perspective, the "easy" solution was to increase the requirements 
>>>> on TLS from SHOULD to MUST to prevent eavesdropping of the code. This was 
>>>> echoed by several others. I agree this will not work for everyone. Many 
>>>> have made strong arguments for why they can't use it. But without a MUST 
>>>> we are still missing a direct counter to the threat.
>>>> I don't want to change things at this late date, but maybe this means 
>>>> introducing some form of mutual authentication -- some way for the 
>>>> requesting client "instance" to prove that they are the copy eligible to 
>>>> use an authorization code. 
>>>> To end this discussion, I propose we vote on the proposal from Eran plus 
>>>> one new option...
>>>> 1. Include a normative MUST use TLS for the client redirection URI 
>>>> endpoint.
>>>> 2. Include a normative SHOULD use TLS for the client redirection URI 
>>>> endpoint with strong language explaining the various attacks possible if 
>>>> the endpoint is not made secure.
>>>> 3. Keep current language of SHOULD, but develop a direct counter-measure 
>>>> to token theft such as specific client instance identification or mutual 
>>>> authentication.
>>>> Phil
>>>> On 2011-04-04, at 8:57 AM, Prateek Mishra wrote:
>>>>> Francisco,
>>>>> You are right, I was in error to suggest that it was a MUST.
>>>>> I think my main concern was that security considerations should not be 
>>>>> based on polling developers/deployers of an existing or legacy protocol.
>>>>> SAML does include some additional countermeasures though - for example 
>>>>> (lines 595-596, profiles document) - that specifically deal with the
>>>>> artifact being leaked - 
>>>>> [quote]
>>>>> The identity provider MUST ensure that only the service provider to whom 
>>>>> the <Response> message has
>>>>> been issued is given the message as the result of an <ArtifactResolve> 
>>>>> request.
>>>>> [\quote]
>>>>> - prateek
>>>>>> Hi Prateek,
>>>>>>> I would like to strongly disagree with this proposal.
>>>>>>> It amounts to explicitly making OAuth 2.0 insecure so as to
>>>>>>> satisfy some mysterious and unspecified set of legacy OAuth
>>>>>>> 1.0 deployments.
>>>>>>> The SAML web SSO (artifact) profile - which shares many
>>>>>>> characteristics with the initial steps in OAuth - requires
>>>>>>> precisely such a counter-measure and is widely implemented
>>>>>>> in 1000s of deployments.
>>>>>> What counter-measure is this?  Can you provide a reference?
>>>>>> Section of 
>>>>>> recommends TLS but does not require it.
>>>>>> Francisco
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