It is apparently essential for the security of the protocol that the client 
state is not guessable by an attacker, as described at:

(That link might fail if the mail archive is reindexed.  It's a 23 Mar 2011 
email with subject "Protocol breaks if states are guessable".)

Does that belong in the security considerations?

It seems to me it belongs somewhere, unless someone can provide a reasonable 
argument that it's not true.

Tim Freeman
Desk in Palo Alto: (650) 857-2581
Home: (408) 774-1298
Cell: (408) 348-7536

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Leiba [] 
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 1:19 AM
To: Peter Saint-Andre
Cc: Freeman, Tim; OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] What's up with the secuity considerations? (was RE: 
Preview of -14)

I have also just submitted this draft:

Hannes has asked me to talk about it for a few minutes in the OAuth
meeting on Friday, and I plan to.

OAuth mailing list

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