First up, nice work with the latest version ­ it¹s considerably easier to
follow than previous version. Based on a simple attempt to implement a
compliant authentication server, I have the following requests for

1. The error response mechanism for the authorization endpoint depends on
the response_type being requested. Assuming that the client and redirect URI
are valid, the endpoint might place the error information in the query
string (for repsonse_type ³code², section or in the fragment (for
response type ³token², section I believe it is ambiguous what
should be done if the response_type is missing, or invalid. Clarification
would be appreciated.
2. The error response for the authorization endpoint is directed to include
the state, if a state were supplied in the request (sections, Assuming that including multiple state parameters in the request
makes the request malformed, how should the server include state in the
error response if the request contains multiple state parameters? I could
see justifications for a number of options (not including the state,
including all the state parameters, including just the first state
parameter, etc). Clarification would be appreciated. Note that, if multiple
state parameters may be legally included in the request, this same question
applies to the grant response, rather than the error response.
3. I believe that section 5.2 is ambiguous as to the error code that should
be returned from the token endpoint when the client credentials are valid,
when the client is authorized to use the authorization code grant type in
general, but when the authorization code supplied is not valid for the
client. I could see unauthorized_client being right, but the wording of the
section doesn¹t include the exact case above. Please clarify.
4. I believe that section 5.2 is ambiguous as to the error code that should
be returned from the token endpoint when the grant type is ³password², and
the resource owner¹s credentials are invalid. Section 4.3.3 implies that
such a request is ³invalid², suggesting that invalid_request is the correct
response, but section 5.2 could be clearer on this. Please clarify.

In addition, I wonder if the authors have given any thought to the
applicability of the protocol in a federated authentication domain
environment, for example where the authorization endpoint and token
endpoints are on different servers that retain a trust relationship with
each other. Clearly, in this case, the format of the authorization code is
an integration point, much in the same way as the access token is in the
currently provided use cases. Whereas a number of access token formats are
provided in companion specifications, I see no references for authorization
codes. Any thoughts on this would be gratefully received.

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