Dear Mr. Hammer-Lahav


I was quite happy to find this, since I had overlooked it before and
it define the sort of robust HMAC-based auth we have been using for
our APIs in various forms, but has the advantage of being a standard
that if implemented would make our future implementations much more

I was a little unclear in the spec whether the client can choose not
to include the body hash in the signature.  I'd hope that the spec
ends up clearly requiring the client to always send it even if a given
server may or may not validate the body hash.  Our current
implementations include the body directly in the HMAC calculation, but
considering your current draft I appreciate the extra flexibility
provided by signing over the body hash rather than the body itself.

A downside to the MAC spec for OAuth2 is, as far as I can see, you
have to send your client secret in the request if you ever need to
refresh your OAuth token?  I see in some recent messages liek  some
discussion that suggests I'm mistaken?

Also, as stated in section 7.3, there seems to be no provision for
ensuring response authenticity except relying on SSL. We have been
using protocols that include in the response an HMAC of the response
body calculated to include the client-supplied nonce.  Obviously one
could add such a response header without breaking the protocol, but
I'd like to see an option in the MAC credentials an added field that
specifies whether the server is expected to provide such a response
HMAC and a standardized name and construction for such a response


Peter M. Wolanin, Ph.D.      : Momentum Specialist,  Acquia. Inc. : 978-296-5247

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