You can put in client_assertion but also leave the 'other' credential option 
there as well 


Sent from my phone. 

On 2011-02-18, at 10:17, Hannes Tschofenig <> wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I asked for feedback regarding the removal of the client assertion 
> credentials earlier this month, see 
> Unfortunately, the feedback did not lead to any new insight other than there 
> are three groups of people: 
> 1) Those who want the functionality removed from the draft
> 2) Those who want it to be included. 
> 3) Those who want something different in the document (namely a stronger 
> version). 
> These three groups are equally large (based on the feedback).
> I have attached the text from version -11 of the draft. 
> So, my suggestion to the group therefore is for those who are interested in 
> this functionality in one way or the other to provide text that the group can 
> agree with in time before we submit the document to the IESG (1). 
> If that does not happen the client assertion credential will have to be 
> developed as a separate document (if there is enough energy and interest in 
> the group). 
> A note regarding (1): Currently, the security consideration section is 
> missing since otherwise the document is ready for a working group last call 
> (in my view).
> So, once that is there and agreed I will start a working group last call. 
> Ciao
> Hannes
> -----
> 3.2.  Client Assertion Credentials
>   The client assertion credentials are used in cases where a password
>   (clear-text shared symmetric secret) is unsuitable or does not
>   provide sufficient security for client authentication.  In such cases
>   it is common to use other mechanisms such as HMAC or digital
>   signatures that do not require sending clear-text secrets.  The
>   client assertion credentials provide an extensible mechanism to use
>   an assertion format supported by the authorization server for
>   authentication the client.
>   Using assertions requires the client to obtain an assertion (such as
>   a SAML [OASIS.saml-core-2.0-os] assertion) from an assertion issuer
>   or to self-issue an assertion.  The assertion format, the process by
>   which the assertion is obtained, and the method of validating the
>   assertion are defined by the assertion issuer and the authorization
>   server, and are beyond the scope of this specification.
>   When using a client assertion, the client includes the following
>   parameters:
>   client_assertion_type  REQUIRED.  The format of the assertion as
>         defined by the authorization server.  The value MUST be an
>         absolute URI.
>   client_assertion  REQUIRED.  The client assertion.
>   For example, the client sends the following access token request
>   using a SAML 2.0 assertion to authenticate itself (line breaks are
>   for display purposes only):
>     POST /token HTTP/1.1
>     Host:
>     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
>     grant_type=authorization_code&code=i1WsRn1uB1&
>     client_assertion=PHNhbWxwOl[...omitted for brevity...]ZT4%3D&
>     client_assertion_type=
>     urn%3Aoasis%3Anames%sAtc%3ASAML%3A2.0%3Aassertion&
>     redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb
>   When obtaining an access token using a client assertion together with
>   an authorization code (as described in  Section 5.1.1), a mechanism is
>   needed to map between the value of "client_id" parameter used to
>   obtain the authorization code, and the client assertion.  Such
>   mechanism is beyond the out of scope for this specification, but MUST
>   be specified for any client assertion type used in combination with
>   an authorization code.
>   The authorization server MUST reject access token requests using
>   client assertion credentials that do not contain HMAC or signed
>   values that:
>   o  State the assertion was specifically issued to be consumed by the
>      receiving endpoint (typically via an audience or recipient value
>      containing the receiving endpoint's identifier).
>   o  Identify the entity that issued the assertion (typically via an
>      issuer value).
>   o  Identify when the assertion expires as an absolute time (typically
>      via an expiration value containing a UTC date/time value).  The
>      authorization server MUST reject expired assertions.
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