FWIW, the (OAuth-based) User-Managed Access group has done extensive work 
defining an interface between the AS (which we call an authorization manager 
for our use cases) and the resource server (which we call a host).  UMA's 
assumptions go straight to the hard case: The two entities are in completely 
different domains and might even start out without a trust relationship between 

We've made a lot of progress in the last handful of months, e.g. defining how 
the host informs the AM what resource sets are being protected and what actions 
are possible on them (preparatory to allowing users to set access policy and 
allowing AMs to issue scoped tokens), and the SMART project's UMA/j 
implementation has been tracking our specs, but there's still more to do.  
We're following JWT's development closely in order to take advantage of it for 
"meaningful" vs. opaque tokens when the time is right.


On 7 Feb 2011, at 6:26 PM, Kristoffer Gronowski wrote:

> Hi Igor!
> That is exactly what I would like to explore!
> My thinking was that the authorization server should be quite simple.
> There should be no advanced things like a policy server inside it.
> As long as the authorization (AS) and the resource servers (RS) use the same 
> identity source (or trusted federation of it).
> I was thinking of a simple interface that can work in layers.
> 1) The RS can ask the AS is this a valid token yes/no
> 2) Is this a valid token containing the following scopes?
> 3) Was this a token issued by a particular user X. (Based on sharing or 
> trusting in the identity source)
> Or a combination of the above. In this way you can at least do a good 
> separation of concerns.
> Except of the answer if the criteria was met I have been experimenting also 
> in returning metadata from the AS so that a RS interceptor can be built.
> You would get all data about token lifetime, scopes attached and owner 
> information.
> This would be a combination with the request input parameters. So you can 
> start off with making sure that #1 is valid.
> Since the token needs to have been generated by the AS.
> Then if you have a more dynamic policy that is very endpoint specific it is 
> far easier to implement it in code then in a general purpose policy server.
> Then you can easily implement things like this protected resource needs scope 
> X or Y Mon-Fri while Z on weekends.
> Another advantage is that the same code can work on your behalf in discovery 
> mode to actually give you a clue what is needed at this very moment to access.
> The AS is just following strict rules and giving facts to you as a RS.
> It is a pretty clean design but I am sure that it will not fit everyone's 
> needs.
> And I am not saying that policy server would go away but for simple REST 
> services this is a powerful framework where you do not have to mash all of 
> you implementation into one big thing.
> So that it why I was thinking that it might be a candidate for an optional 
> interface that might be good to have.
> With it people can develop Oauth protected services quicker since there is 
> more ready code to start from.
> Does this still fit your vision too described this way?
> BR Kristoffer  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Igor Faynberg [mailto:igor.faynb...@alcatel-lucent.com] 
> Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 5:21 PM
> To: Kristoffer Gronowski
> Cc: oauth@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] New Working Group Items?
> Kristoffer,
> I assume you mean an interface between the authorization server and the 
> resource server. If so, I believe it definitely merits a serious discussion, 
> and I support the idea in principle.
> On this subject, I think we need even more work defining the token and 
> linking it to the resource owner.  Today's discussion between Eran and Phil 
> once again made me think of insufficiency of the "opaque tokens." 
> Indeed, anything that comes with the OAuth flow is an OAuth token. (From the 
> security point of view, of course, that also means that anything that can be 
> INSERTED into an OAuth flow will be an OAuth token...)  I am not criticizing  
> the  design decisions--I have  agreed with all of them.
> But going forward, I would like the resource owner, the end user (both human 
> and virtual) to 1) issue tokens or 2) outsource this work it it wishes. In 
> the latter case, the resource owner must at least understand what the token 
> has rather than just pass the token.
> Ideally, I would like this to be an OAuth work item: OAuth WG works very 
> well, and it has gathered the best people to judge the task. I understand 
> though that token specification is not presently in the charter, and 
> therefore it can be discussed only in the context of changing the charter. 
> And so I first wrote this in response to the item that you proposed, which I 
> think is one step toward what I thought should be done.
> Igor
> Kristoffer Gronowski wrote:
>> ...
>> IMO there is one item missing and that is to create an optional formal 
>> interface between the authorization server and the protected resource.
>> It could increase the productivity of creating the oauth protected web 
>> services when the auth server can be treated as an off the shelf piece 
>> of code.
>> Then it would be up to the auth server to also provide an number of 
>> other extension like the discovery, token revocation and other.
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