
>> 16. OAuth2 can provide a "secret" as a Unicode string. MAC algorithms such
>> as HMAC use a key that is a byte array. Section 2 of the MAC spec says
>> 'secret'
>> can only include printable ASCII chars (except " and /). This is not quite 
>> right.
>> The MAC scheme should expect 'secret' to be a byte array (ie not limit its
>> chars). A 'secret' string from an OAuth2 response should be UTF-8 encoded
>> to produce the byte array the MAC scheme uses.

> What about when the secret is returned in the HTTP fragment?

A fragment is part of a URI which is a string. Presumably you: (1) unescape any 
%xx sequences in the fragment (assuming UTF-8) to get a string of any Unicode 
characters; (2) encode the string to bytes using some character encoding; (3) 
pass the bytes as the secret key to the MAC algorithm.
The spec should explicitly the state what the character encoding is at step (2).

> What is the value of making this use UTF-8.

It was one reasonable choice -- once I convince you that a string-to-bytes 
encoding needs to be explicitly stated. Other options are ASCII or hex or 

James Manger
OAuth mailing list

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