Following up on the Token Revocation extension proposed at:

I am suggesting three changes to this extension:

1. Either drop client authentication or make it optional. If clients
want to revoke tokens, more power to them. If it is a malicious
client, why would the authorization server deny revoking tokens?

2. Can we drop the "token_type" parameter, as suggested before?

3. "authorization server MUST also invalidate all access tokens issued
for that refresh token." can we change this MUST to a SHOULD?

In case of success, why is the server supposed to return 204 instead
of 200? Just worried that this will confuse clients.


On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Marius Scurtescu <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt
> <> wrote:
>> Am 12.01.2011 22:19, schrieb Richer, Justin P.:
>>> Yes, let the server do the work. In practice, it's going to be looking up
>>> the token based on the token value anyway (for bearer tokens, at least). All
>>> the client really cares about is asking to "revoke this token that I am
>>> sending you". If the client credentials and token are correct and
>>> verifiable, then the revoke should go through.
>> What do others think?
> I agree with Justin's suggestion, let the server figure the token
> type. The server should be able to do that anyhow.
>>> A client wanting to revoke both a request token and an access token will
>>> have to make several calls to this, unless you want to put in a way to put
>>> multiple token values in. I don't recommend that though, as it seems to me
>>> an optimization for a problem nobody has yet.
>> the token_type does not control whether the server deletes all access tokens
>> associated with a refresh token.
>> This depends on the authorization servers policy.
> There are cases when the server cannot revoke the access tokens
> associated with a refresh token (static access tokens for example).
> That being said, I think the server SHOULD revoke all access tokens if
> possible.
> Marius
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