Hey Marius,

It is critical for us to discuss the client assertion credentials separately 
from the assertion authorization grant. The two have nothing to do with one 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf
> Of Marius Scurtescu
> Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:30 PM
> To: OAuth WG
> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] assertion, client_assertion_type and client_assertion
> I would like to bring up one more argument to keep the assertion,
> client_assertion_type and client_assertion parameters in core.
> If I understood correctly, the main argument to remove them from core was
> that they are underspecified and extensions are needed anyhow before
> they are useful.

This is true for the client assertion credentials. The assertion parameter was 
moved because was previously defined, it was a required parameter when using 
any extension grant type. This was incorrect because not all extension grant 
types are assertion-based. Assertions are no longer directly discussed.

> First of all, this is not true for client_assertion_type and 
> client_assertion. A
> client can acquire assertions from an IdP that works intimately with the 
> client.
> In this case the client knows how to get a client assertion and then how to
> present it to the Authorization Server, but it really does not need to know
> anything more. The IdP and the Authorization Server do need to agree on
> format and keys, but not the client.

This IdP entity does not exists in the specification. It's a new role. Because 
99% of the work involved in using such a client assertion is determined 
elsewhere, the value of defining the two parameters (and nothing else) is 
minimal, but the confusion and complexity it brings are non-trivial. Just 
consider writing a useful security consideration section for this alternative 

My main issue is the lack of specificity with regard to the client identifier 
and how it maps to the assertion. Since no assertion format is defined, it is 
impossible to define the means for the client to provide its client identifier 
within the assertion. There are many ways to solve this, and I expect to see 
this address in a new draft.

Note that I am not objecting to including such functionality, only the 
currently underspecified language. This is why I have been asking repeatedly 
for someone to submit a complete text (I posted the criteria for what will make 
it complete earlier) for WG consideration. This text may be integrated back 
into the specification before publication. But depends completely on a new text 
winning consensus.

> I agree that this is a less used use case, and that currently there are no
> implementations to point at (as far as I know), but there is another reason to
> keep these parameters in core.

This other reason has nothing to do with the client assertion credentials...

> The assertion parameter was in core, but it was removed and now it is
> defined by SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Grant Type Profile. What will the next
> assertion extension do, let's say JWT? It can either re-define the assertion
> parameter or it can reference SAML 2.0 Bearer. Does re-defining imply
> registration as well? How would that work? Having JWT depend on SAML
> does not make much sense.

It makes no sense to define this parameter in the authorization specification 
because assertions are no longer discussed. It would be a very odd and out of 
context definition. The appropriate solution here is for the SAML specification 
to change its definition of the assertion parameter to be more generally 
applicable. For example:

         REQUIRED.  The assertion used to obtain an access token. The value of 
         assertion parameter MUST contain a single assertion. When used with the
         http://oauth.net/grant_type/assertion/saml/2.0/bearer";  grant type, the
         assertion MUST be a SAML 2.0 Assertion.  The SAML 2.0 Assertion XML 
         MUST be encoded using base64url, where the encoding adheres to the
         definition in Section 5 of RFC4648 [RFC4648] and where the
         padding bits are set to zero.  To avoid the need for
         subsequent encoding steps (by "application/
         x-www-form-urlencoded" [W3C.REC-html401-19991224], for
         example), the base64url encoded data SHOULD NOT be line wrapped
         and pad characters ("=") SHOULD NOT be included.

This way, other specifications can simply use this parameter as-is without any 
additional registrations or updates.

> While the above issue is minor, I think it would be useful if core defined
> these parameters as extension points.
> Marius
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