On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:59 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> Simply because authentication is not what OAuth is about.
> OAuth is an authorization protocol for issuing access tokens. Access tokens 
> can have different properties and therefore need different schemes. I was the 
> first to suggest a scheme with sub-schemes but that idea was strongly 
> rejected (over a year ago). Since then I came to the same conclusion that the 
> proper way is to define separate authentication schemes. It is also how most 
> HTTP authentication framework operate.
> One benefit to this approach is that HTTP authentication already covers the 
> discovery of which schemes are supported by the resource server, as well as 
> token schemes can be used independently from OAuth, something the 2-legged 
> OAuth 1.0 has shown has great value. Also, it keeps the protocol modular 
> which enable providers to tailor it to their security needs.
> OAuth 2.0 is authentication agnostic and must remain so. It is an 
> authorization protocol and as such has no business defining authentication 
> mechanisms.
> For this reason, I object to using the OAuth2 scheme name with the bearer 
> token scheme. It's a "trademark" issue.

I can definitely see your point, but look at the end result. OAuth is
useless with an authentication mechanism so now a bunch of similar
authentication mechanisms are reinvented in related specifications.
All geared to work with OAuth 2, none of them really trying to define
something generic.

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