Thanks Phil.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Phil Hunt
> Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 12:23 PM
> To: WG
> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Draft 12 - Protocol flow not clear yet
> Section 4 seems to inter-mixes obtaining authorization grant with obtaining
> tokens. Yes it is called "Request an Access Token".  This seems particularly
> confusing after reading section 3 that separates requesting authorization
> from token end-points. My first reaction was, is there a section missing?

Section 4 describes how to ask for an access token using different grant types. 
Some of these grant types require an explicit authorization step.

> After I began reading section 4 it starts talking about obtaining 
> authorization.
> Should section 4 be "protocol flow"?

I don't have a strong view on the section title, but I do have a strong view on 
its structure.

> I think it can work with an intro explaining the protocol at a high level. 
> E.g. 3
> steps:
> 1. Obtain authorization from Authorization Endpoint 2. Obtain access token
> from Token Endpoint 3. Access resource

You mean section 1.1? I will break it into two, one for roles and the other for 
protocol flow. I want to keep all the prose in the introduction and leave the 
rest only to implementation specific details.
> Then for each flow pattern, show how steps 1, 2, and 3 are completed.  For 2-
> legged cases, indicate how step 1 is completed implicitly (e.g. by policy,
> previous arrangement, or OOB).

I don't think this is necessary. If the introduction isn't detailed enough, we 
need to fix that.

> It might also be better if section 5 became a sub-section within 4.0. I see 
> why
> it is separate, since the last step is always the same. But still it added to 
> my
> initial confusion.

All the section 4 subsections are grant types and moving 5 there will be more 
confusing. I will add a document overview in the introduction to cover this.
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