Dear oAuth Team and Fans,

I'm currently evaluating how oAuth2 standards can be our own standards.

I'm currently trying to understand all the details of the draft, so I'm
sorry if these points are already in the specification, of if you
already talk about these points.


We have implemented oAuth1. For our external partners, it was really
hard to implement. Just to explain the flow in the internal team was
quite complicated. So most of these users have ended by using basic

1. "oAuth2 Delegation" / chain authentication

Here is our need
People need to login or register on our system using a user/password or
Facebook account.

We "delegate" our authentication to an external partner. (First it will
be Facebook.)

This authentication can be done on a phone or on a web application.

What we will basically do:
We get an access_token or code from Facebook using either a mobile
application, either a web application.
Exchange the access_token of facebook for an access token on our
platform. We verify the user on facebook on our API.

If we make it oAuth2 generic, we basically have a "chain
authentication". We give an access if we have an access on another site.

2. Removal: HTTP Basic Authentication for Client Credentials (Eran
If I have understood the flow correctly.

I basically agree that the flow is not really good, but I don't think
all servers are forced to implement all the flow of oAuth2. (could be
marked as optional.)

HTTP Basic is really an easy way to "test how it works". So a good first
step for people to understand "how an api works" without caring about
how oAuth works. We have this flow with our oAuth1 authentication,
because we had a need of this flow to make things easier.

What we do now is to add to all requests
That allow to authenticate with the application and the user at the same
time. It's not for the end user, but really for people that integrate
our API, to make their life easier.


Avec mes salutations, Best regards,
Gabriel Klein (

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