I absolutely don't want to drop credentials being passed as parameters. I think 
that's more widely deployed than using the BASIC style auth as well.

I do think that Torsten's approach below has a certain elegance to it, but it 
would require deeper access to queries that not all deployment frameworks allow 
(or at least, make easy to access). For part 3 below, it's usually the PR and 
not the AS that's returning the 401, so this would require the PR to know what 
kinds of things the AS will accept. Right now, the client needs to know that, 
which I think is more reasonable.

 -- Justin
From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Torsten 
Lodderstedt [tors...@lodderstedt.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:54 PM
To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Removal: credential body parameters

Hi Eran,

you made some good points and I agree with most of your analysis. The way we 
use BASIC in the current draft is not perfect, mainly because it is a 
compromise. It was basically the attempt to be more HTTP compliant while still 
supporting the parameter-based approach.

I would strongly object against removing BASIC and relying on body parameters, 
only.  We (Deutsche Telekom) have implemented that scheme and do not see a real 
problem with it.

In order to overcome the problems you listed, I would like to propose an 
alternative approach.

I would suggest to drop support for passing any credentials to the tokens 
endpoint in the body of the POST request. Instead, I would suggest to define 
one HTTP authentication scheme per grant type and send the corresponding 
parameters within the Authorization header.

Conceptually, the tokens endpoint is a resource URI clients use to obtain 
tokens. The expected token scope can be explicitely specified by the 
corresponding URI query parameter. So the simplest, complete request to obtain 
a token could look as follows:

     POST /token HTTP/1.1
     Host: server.example.com
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Most authorization servers will certainly need credentials of some kind as 
pre-requisite for token issuance. These credentials actually authenticate the 
resource owner and the client to the authorization server as well as prove the 
client's authorization to get the token. Such credentials are usually passed 
using authorization headers in HTTP requests.

Let's take the example of the grant type "code". We could define a scheme 
"CODE", which carries the parameters code, redirect_uri, client_id and 
client_secret (optionally) as named values. An example request could look as 

     POST /token HTTP/1.1
     Host: server.example.com
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     Authorization: CODE code='i1WsRn1uB1',


The following examples illustrate the approach with respect to the grant types 
"password" and "refresh_token", respectively.

     POST /token HTTP/1.1
     Host: server.example.com
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     Authorization: PWD username='johndoe',


     POST /token HTTP/1.1
     Host: server.example.com
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
     Authorization: REFRESH token='n4E9O119d',


I see the following advantages:
1) The suggest approach is aligned with HTTP. So instead of using HTTP as 
"transport protocol" only (as in the dark times of SOAP), we could make better 
use of the existing framework for messaging, caching, and security.

2) Since the proposed approach is alligned with HTTP authentication and 
authorization in general, it would be an easy task to add support for 
additional, existing authentication mechanisms, such as Kerberos/SPNEGO, Digest 
or GBA to an OAuth authorization server.

3) WWW-Authenticate headers could be used to provide clients with useful 
information about the capabilities of the authorization server. In the 
following example, the server reacts to an unauthenticated request with the 
following response

     HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
     WWW-Authenticate: CODE uri="tokenservice.example.com/authorize"
     WWW-Authenticate: PWD realm='users.example.com'
     WWW-Authenticate: REFRESH

which indicates its support for the grant types authorization_code, 
username/password and refresh token. Additionally it provides the client with 
the end-user endpoint URI of the authorization server and the user realm 
supported for password authentication.

4) The proposed mechanism should work nicely with existing authentication 
frameworks, since we would no longer use a mixed model for passing credentials 
and dedicated HTTP authentication schemes.

What do you think? What do others think?


Am 15.01.2011 07:53, schrieb Eran Hammer-Lahav:
OAuth 2.0 provides two methods for client authentication using password 
credentials: request parameters and HTTP Basic authentication. I suggest we 
drop the requirement to support HTTP Basic authentication, and only mention it 
as an example for alternative methods. My reasons are:

1.       A few providers have expressed concerns over the need to support Basic 
authentication, and some explicitly said they will not support it. 
Parameter-based authentication, OTOH, is widely deployed in 2.0.

2.       Due to the way OAuth is being implemented at the HTTP authentication 
layer (even if it is wrong), can conflict within the framework as both a 
consumer and provider of authentication components.

3.       The mapping between username and client_id, while not complicated, is 
still a big awkward, and can be confusing when combined with the username and 
password grant type. On the other hand, the use of client_id in the end-user 
authorization endpoint lends itself nicely to the use of the same parameter 

4.       Some existing authentication frameworks will have an issue handling 
the mix of Basic authentication and parameters authentication due to how each 
is deployed. In cases where a front gate handles Basic, it will be hard to let 
requests through for parameter processing.

Comments? Counter-arguments?


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