
>> - 6.3. Spoofing by Counterfeit Servers
>> The protocol does not support server authentication but it should prevent
>> token abuse by the Counterfeit server, shouldn't it?

> It does because the token secret is never sent.

According to section 6.3 a counterfeit server may intercept client's request. 
Cannot a counterfeit server use the intercepted signed request for getting 
access to the resource at the real server?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Eran 
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 4:46 PM
To: Torsten Lodderstedt
Cc: OAuth WG
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth MAC token type draft

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Torsten Lodderstedt []
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 1:08 PM
> To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
> Cc: OAuth WG
> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth MAC token type draft
> Eran,
> - Authentication schemes
> You propose to use the authentication scheme name "OAuth2" for the
> WWW-Authenticate header but another scheme name "MAC" for the
> authorization header. I've never seen such an asymmetric approach before.
> Don't you think people get confused about that? Moreover, the bearer draft
> also uses the name "OAuth2" in the authorization header.  Why this
> difference? Why don't you just add some parameters to the "OAuth2"
> scheme?

This was proposed by James Manger and discussed earlier on the list. I'll let 
James explain it.

> - 6.3. Spoofing by Counterfeit Servers
> The protocol does not support server authentication but it should prevent
> token abuse by the Counterfeit server, shouldn't it?

It does because the token secret is never sent.


> regards,
> Torsten.
> Am 09.01.2011 18:18, schrieb Eran Hammer-Lahav:
> Feedback appreciated, especially for section 3.2.1 (the new normalized
> request string) which is an attempt to take the HMAC-SHA1 flow from 1.0a
> and simplify it.
> No body signature support yet, but will add that in -01.
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