--- On Tue, 1/4/11, Marius Scurtescu <mscurte...@google.com> wrote:
> > We need a protocol that does both authentication and
> > authorization.  We can take OAuth and adapt it for
> > authentication, or take OpenID and adapt it for
> > authorization, or combine OpenID and OAuth (great solution
> > for people who love complexity) or... take the best ideas
> > from OpenID and OAuth and incorporate them into a new
> > protocol that's designed from the start for both
> > authentication and authorization.  That's one of my
> > motivations for proposing PKAuth.
> Are you aware of OpenIDConnect?
> http://openidconnect.com/

I stumbled upon that page recently while doing a search, but
didn't look at it in any detail because it looked like an
abandoned draft, and another complicated combination of
OpenID and OAuth.

I've looked at it in more detail now, and I've found
something interesting.  The last section discusses
unregistered applications, and it has a paragraph in italics
that addresses the issue of how the server can identify an
unregistered application to a user, which is the main issue
that I'm trying to address with PKAuth:

---- quote ----
Maybe add client discovery here if the server wants to
verify the redirect URL exists and is valid for the
domain. Thinking you fetch
https://domain/.well-known/host-meta and look for
openid:redirect_uri. Also useful to get the client's display
name and logo which the server can display to the user. The
client would also use host-meta to advertise information
needed for web browsers to help manage identity.
---- end of quote ----

In the paper I consider an attacker who owns the domain
example.com and hosts an application at pomcor.example.com
to trick the user into believing that it belongs to Pomcor.
Both OpenID and OAuth will identify the application to the
user as "pomcor.example.com" which I argue is not good
enough.  But OpenID Connect is much worse!  OpenID Connect
will identify the application to the user with a display
name and a logo PROVIDED BY THE ATTACKER.  So the attacker
can just provide "Pomcor" as the display name and the Pomcor
logo and the user is taken in.


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