Draft -01 of "SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Grant Type Profile for OAuth
2.0" is now available at

The changes (change log pasted blow) are mostly responding to feedback
from this WG and from the SSTC as well as bringing it up to date with
draft-ietf-oauth-v2-11.  The one change that was previously discussed
on this list that I didn't incorporate into the draft, and I'm still
somewhat on the fence about, is allowing for more than one assertion.

Comments and questions are welcome as always.



   o  Updated to reference draft-ietf-oauth-v2-11 and reflect changes
      from -10 to -11.

   o  Updated examples.

   o  Relaxed processing rules to allow for more than one
      SubjectConfirmation element.

   o  Removed the 'MUST NOT contain a NotBefore attribute' on

   o  Relaxed wording that ties the subject of the Assertion to the
      resource owner.

   o  Added some wording about identifying the client when the subject
      hasn't directly authenticated including an informative reference
      to SAML V2.0 Condition for Delegation Restriction.

   o  Added a few examples to the language about verifying that the
      Assertion is valid in all other respects.

   o  Added some wording to the introduction about the similarities to
      Web SSO in the format and processing rules

   o  Changed the grant_type (was assertion_type) URI from
      http://oauth.net/assertion_type/saml/2.0/bearer to

   o  Changed title to include "Grant Type" in it.

   o  Editorial updates based on feedback from the WG and others
      (including capitalization of Assertion when referring to SAML).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IETF I-D Submission Tool <idsubmiss...@ietf.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 3:10 PM
Subject: New Version Notification for draft-campbell-oauth-saml-01

A new version of I-D, draft-campbell-oauth-saml-01.txt has been
successfully submitted by Brian Campbell and posted to the IETF

Filename:        draft-campbell-oauth-saml
Revision:        01
Title:           SAML 2.0 Bearer Assertion Grant Type Profile for OAuth 2.0
Creation_date:   2010-12-13
WG ID:           Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 11

This specification defines the use of a SAML 2.0 bearer Assertion as
means for requesting an OAuth 2.0 access token.

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