On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Manger, James H
<james.h.man...@team.telstra.com> wrote:
> Marius,
>> How about:
>> - keeping the scheme "OAuth2", for both WWW-Authenticate and Authorization
>> - define both as name/value pairs (WWW-Authenticate is already)
>> - require that one of the pairs be "type=<token-type>"
>> For example:
>> WWW-Authenticate: OAuth2 type=bearer
>> Authorization: OAuth2 token=vF9dft4qmT, type=bearer
> What is the benefit of trying to couple one form of bearer token so strongly 
> to the OAuth2 delegation flows?
> You have now complicated the Authorization header (extra type=bearer param), 
> and the WWW-Authentication header (now indicates that delegation is 
> available, swapping-permanent-cred-for-temp-token is available, and bearer 
> authentication is required -- I hope a client can work out which is relevant 
> in any response).

Not sure the Authorization header is that more complicated. Name/value
pairs are pretty straight forward and any client or server must be
able to handle them. If anything, the Basic scheme type seems the odd
one to me.

> Should Eran's MAC mechanim also use the same scheme, just with type=mac and 
> adding its own parameters? I hope not.

That's what I was suggesting. Why not?

> We end up with multiple specs (core, bearer, MAC, any other auth 
> mechanism...) all adding bits to the same HTTP scheme -- and not just 
> registering their own "type" value, but also all their own parameters (eg 
> alg, nonce?, token...). This causes unnecessary complications, because it is 
> unnecessary tight coupling.

I don't see where the complication is coming from. They all share the
scheme and a 'type' parameter, the rest is type specific.

>> WWW-Authenticate: OAuth2 type=bearer
> What does this mean to a client app?
> Does it mean that if the client app already has a bearer token it should 
> repeat the request with that token.
> Does it mean the client app should do an OAuth2 flow (which?) and expect a 
> bearer token? Does this type value override any type information in a 
> subsequent token response? That could be dangerous. Should a server include 
> multiple "WWW-Authenticate: OAuth2" headers if it can issue tokens for 
> different authentication mechanisms depending on 
> resources/scopes/client-app-preferences?
> "Authorization: BEARER ..." avoids a lot of confusion.

Maybe, but how many schemes are we going to generate? Who controls
these scheme names?

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