The argument was, since these are basic credentials, they should be used in the 
native HTTP method using the header. But since that is not as simple as a pair 
of parameters, we ended up with both. The easy way and the right way.

>From implementing it, my experience has been that it can be hard to deal with 
>Basic in the context of another authentication class. Since OAuth and Basic 
>are usually two classes provided by the same authentication layer, having one 
>use the other can lead to tricky architecture. This trivial to implement in a 
>clean environment, but a bit messy when adding to an existing framework.

I am split between doing what is right and what is practical here.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Marius Scurtescu
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 5:35 PM
To: OAuth WG
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Client Password Credentials

Currently there are two different ways a client can send credentials, as 
specified in section 3.1, and:
"The authorization server MUST accept the client credentials using both the 
request parameter, and the HTTP Basic authentication scheme."

I know there was a long thread on this subject, but I cannot recall the 
reasoning. Can someone summarize it?

How many of the existing OAuth 2 server implementations out there currently 
support both methods?

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