2010/10/29 John Panzer <jpan...@google.com>:
> I think that it would be good to have a writeup like this that describes the
> differences and pros and cons of each approach. Perhaps on a Wiki page?

Feel free to copy this to a wiki page:

1) Server-side requirements:
- XRD/Webfinger: creating .well-known, placing a static host-meta file
with appropriate content type, a Webfinger endpoint which could be
static as well (e.g. by mapping to a file named like the account
- SWD: creating .well-known, placing a dynamic endpoint which can
parse the input (requested user and service) and return the output as
one service from a list of services for the user

2) Server delegation:
- XRD/Webfinger: host-meta can point to a third-party host for rel="lrdd"
- SWD: defines its own delegation mechanism based on a JSON file

3) Authentication:
- not fully defined but possible in both approaches via HTTP Basic
authentication or OAuth

4) Consumer-side requirements:
- XRD/Webfinger: fetching host-meta (preferrably with caching),
parsing XML for lrdd endpoint; webfinger request, parsing XML for
required service links
- SWD: one request for user and service, parsing JSON for endpoint;
multiple trips for multiple requests or if redirection is required

5) Network bandwidth requirements:
- XRD/Webfinger: two requests (host-meta and lrdd), of which one is
cacheable for multiple users (same domain); transmission of irrelevant
data is very likely if XRDs are getting bigger
- SWD: one request only, lightweight data; but can become inefficient
if a longer list of services is fetched (individually)

> Some random thoughts:
> One thing:  host-meta is highly cacheable, so the # of round trips will
> hopefully be comparable for large services with significant traffic.  In
> fact the user XRD is also cacheable as well so there can be zero round
> trips.  This proposal defines a mechanism separate from HTTP caching in
> order to cache responses, it'd be good to have a rationale for doing that
> (and to have an explanation of how this should interact with additional HTTP
> level caching.)
> This mechanism appears to require multiple round trips to a server if you
> want to discover multiple services.
> This proposal seems to require that the /well-known provider run a
> significant service on their endpoint, as opposed to just dropping a file in
> place.  I think that the forwarding mechanism may be a way around that?  How
> would I hook into this mechanism if I really only can drop static files on
> my web server, but I can perhaps use cloud services that I've registered
> with to actually power the discovery?

I've tried to include these thoughts in the compilation.

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