I think that this would be the baseline and if there is interest in some sort 
of negotiation protocol then could take that up at  a later time, I know its 
not the best but we need to be able to support the government endorsed 

From: Dirk Balfanz [mailto:balf...@google.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:26 PM
To: Anthony Nadalin
Cc: Yaron Goland; Mike Jones; oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Comparing the JSON Token drafts

So what's the proposal, then? That OAuth service providers document what crypto 
mechanisms they support? And developers will just have to know which alg to use 
with which service provider? I guess I could live with that...

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 12:37 AM, Anthony Nadalin 
<tony...@microsoft.com<mailto:tony...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
I don't believe that negotiation (policy) has to be part of this proposal, so 
in the spec if one of the claims is not supported then the token MUST not be 
processed. We have this today in the web services security stack and there are 
really no issues.

From: Dirk Balfanz [mailto:balf...@google.com<mailto:balf...@google.com>]
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 8:45 PM
To: Yaron Goland
Cc: Anthony Nadalin; Mike Jones; oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org>

Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Comparing the JSON Token drafts

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Yaron Goland 
<yar...@microsoft.com<mailto:yar...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
No matter what algorithm or key size we pick the choice will prove 
unsupportable for any number of implementers due to everything from security 
issues (no matter what key size we pick, someone will have a real need for 
something larger) to legal issues (various countries have their own opinions 
about what to use where, a la the NSA suite list).

So we are going to have to support multiple algorithms and we are going to have 
to deal with algorithm negotiation. I literally can see no way around that.

I agree that over time, what will be considered secure will change. I also 
agree that usually this means that there is some sort of negotiation happening 
on what the two parties support. How would that happen here? Remember that - as 
one datapoint - Google won't be able to support the ECC algorithm. What happens 
when you can't support one of the proposed algorithms, and there is no 
provision in the protocol to signal this to other parties?



From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org> 
[mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>] On Behalf Of 
Anthony Nadalin
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:34 AM
To: Dirk Balfanz; Mike Jones

Cc: oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Comparing the JSON Token drafts

> So this one I do feel more strongly about: We should only include crypto 
> mechanisms that everybody MUST support. Otherwise, we'll have to invent some 
> sort of negotiation step in the protocol: "do you support alg XYZ? No I 
> don't, > please use ABC". Let's not do that.

>As just one datapoint, Google would have a hard time supporting ECC, since 
>it's not in the Java core library. We don't use bouncycastle.

I agree that there can be license issues that one could encounter with ECC (as 
we all did with RSA), there are already customers that require ECC, and so 
there is a need to have alternative algorithms that you don't have to support. 
We already have the issue of "do you support" with claims and token types, etc

From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org> 
[mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>] On Behalf Of 
Dirk Balfanz
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 10:23 AM
To: Mike Jones
Cc: oauth@ietf.org<mailto:oauth@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Comparing the JSON Token drafts

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Mike Jones 
<michael.jo...@microsoft.com<mailto:michael.jo...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
Dirk and I both posted JSON Token drafts on Thursday.  They are at 
http://balfanz.github.com/jsontoken-spec/draft-balfanz-jsontoken-00.html (which 
I'll refer to as Dirk's draft) and 
http://self-issued.info/docs/draft-goland-json-web-token-00.html (which I'll 
refer to as JWT).  This note points out some of the differences (and 
commonalities) in the interest of building consensus towards a unified approach.


*         Both have ways of expressing the signature algorithm, token issuer, 
token expiration time, and intended audience.

*         Both use a form of base64url encoding of the JSON claim data.

*         Both require support for the HMAC SHA-256 signature algorithm, and 
describe how to sign with RSA SHA-256 as well.


*         Dirk's draft uses a base64url encoding that may include one or two 
'=' pad characters.  The JWT draft uses base64url encoding without padding.

*         JWT uses shorter claim names in the interest of brevity ("iss", 
"exp", and "aud", versus "issuer", "not_after", and "audience").

*         JWT also describes how to sign with ECDSA SHA-256, plus HMAC, RSA, 
and ECDSA with longer key lengths.

*         Dirk's tokens must be signed, whereas signing JWTs is optional.

*         Dirk's draft provides for a key_id parameter and a means of 
serializing keys.

*         Dirk's draft utilizes a Magic Signatures envelope, whereas the only 
"envelope" component of a JWT is the encoded signature.

*         Dirk's draft proposes that a particular discovery mechanism be used 
with JSON tokens.

Let me tackle the differences one at a time, in hopes of driving towards a 
consensus position.

Hi there - thanks for writhing this up. Comments below:

*         To pad or not to pad:  The '=' pad characters add length, are not 
URL-safe (and therefore must be escaped when used in URLs, adding more length), 
and add no information.  Therefore, I would propose that we agree not to use 
padding (as permitted by RFC 4648, Section 
5<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-5>), especially since a no-padding 
implementation is trivial, as shown in JWT Section 

I don't feel strongly about this, but remember John Panzer's cautionary tales 
here: Apparently, padding-less encoding is not well-supported in some 
frameworks, which can lead to confusion.

*         Claim name length: Given that a core goal of both specs is short 
tokens, I would propose that we use the shorter reserved claim names.  Having 
short tokens is especially important when used with mobile browsers, where URL 
length restrictions may be severe.  (People are always free to use longer ones 
in any particular application context if they have a reason to do so.)

I don't feel strongly about this, but I think many people do want to have more 
descriptive names here.

*         Elliptic curve crypto and longer key lengths:  The JWT spec defines 
how to use ECC as well as HMAC and RSA.  Given ECC's inclusion in NSA Suite 
B<http://www.nsa.gov/ia/programs/suiteb_cryptography/index.shtml> and that it 
has engineering advantages over RSA (shorter key lengths and more efficient 
computations), it makes sense that any modern spec incorporating cryptography 
allow its use as an option.  Likewise, it makes sense for the spec to define 
how to use longer key lengths on an optional basis.
So this one I do feel more strongly about: We should only include crypto 
mechanisms that everybody MUST support. Otherwise, we'll have to invent some 
sort of negotiation step in the protocol: "do you support alg XYZ? No I don't, 
please use ABC". Let's not do that.

As just one datapoint, Google would have a hard time supporting ECC, since it's 
not in the Java core library. We don't use bouncycastle.

*         Unsigned tokens:  In some application contexts, it may make sense to 
send unsigned tokens if carried in a signed and/or encrypted container or 
channel.  Allowing for unsigned tokens means that double signing need not occur.
That one just confuses me :-) What's the difference between OAuth without 
signatures and unsigned tokens? Is the latter not just a more complicated way 
of doing the former?

*         Key identification:  I agree that having means of identifying and 
distributing keys are critical for to end-to-end security of signed tokens.  
That's a separate point from whether the key identification and distribution 
mechanisms should be part of the token format specification, or treated 
separately.  I would advocate that it be treated separately (as was done with 
SWTs as well), but am open to discussion on this point.

*         Discovery:  Like key distribution, I believe that an agreement on 
discovery mechanisms is critical to many use cases.  But like key distribution, 
I'd like us to take that up in a separate specification, rather than tightly 
binding the use of JSON tokens to a particular discovery mechanism.

Here is where I'm coming from: I find the public-key versions of the signatures 
much more intriguing - they allow for easier key management, key rotation, etc. 
To actually reap the benefits of key rotation, though, we need to say how to 
find out what the currently-used key is. If we don't, then a lot of the 
potential advantage of using public keys evaporates. I'm concerned that, 
lacking the discovery spec, developers will start hard-coding keys into their 
servers, and we'll end up in a situation where we can't rotate keys when 
Something Bad happens.

*         Envelope structure:  Dirk's draft proposes that the signed content be 
wrapped in a particular kind of envelope.  Among other things, this envelope 
can help prevent a token from being repurposed from one context to another, by 
having a clear (and cryptographically verified) declaration that "This is a 
JSON token".  I understand this motivation and am open to discussions on how to 
best achieve it, while still providing as little mechanism as possible (but no 
less :)).
Well, you've seen my proposal on how to achieve it :-), but I'm also open to 
better ways, if someone comes up with one...


Dirk, and others, please jump in!

                                                                -- Mike

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