I think it would also help with handling revisions over time. Changes to 
signature specifications, etc over time, won't impact the core specification -- 
keeping it stable and well understood.

Maybe a compromise is to include the 1.0a stuff in the core spec as "legacy" 
(since it was in the 1.0 core), but reference a normative external signature 
extension specification document for 2.0 on.


On 2010-09-27, at 9:43 AM, Tschofenig, Hannes (NSN - FI/Espoo) wrote:

> Hi all
> I wonder whether the question of "signature in the main specification or in a 
> separate document" does not really matter. It is purely a matter of document 
> management style.
> The important question is whether there will be a **mandatory to implement** 
> or **mandatory to use** someone in the document set. Mandatory to use is 
> typically hard to enforce unless there is only one approach possible. This 
> does not seem to be the case.
> So, everything then boils down to the question: What is mandatory to 
> implement? (in this specific case with regard to security)
> Ciao
> Hannes
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