
A couple of comments on JWT: (I had to send something after accidentally 
sending an empty message to the list ;-)

Section 4.1 "Reserved claim names"

There isn't a JSON "integer" type, just a "number" type.

The examples use a string value for "exp", while I expected a number (I 
expected "exp":1300752001 instead of "exp":"1300752001").

StringAndURI might be better named StringOrURI.

Section 5 "General rules for creating and validating a JWT"

  "5. When used in a security-related context, the JWT Claim Segment MUST be 
validated to only include claims whose syntax and semantics are both understood 
and supported."

Validation step 5 is very nasty towards future enhancements. It basically says 
a JWT with unrecognized claims must be rejected. A future-friendly alternative 
would be to ignore unrecognized claims.

I like Ben Laurie's note that the IETF's golden rule to "be liberal in what you 
accept" has "proved to be a less-than-great idea, particularly in protocols 
where you care about security, which is to say, all of them" 
[http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/tls/current/msg04688.html]. Is this the 
sentiment behind step 5? I would agree with this sentiment for rejecting 
malformed JSON, but not for rejecting well-formed but unrecognized claims.

Perhaps the concern is that an unrecognized claim might change the meaning of 
another claim (eg qualify it to a limited context). That would be bad design of 
the claims, however.

A JWT used to access 2 apps may need some claims that only 1 app needs that the 
other has no need to recognize.

Section 7 "Signing JWTs with cryptographic algorithms"

It is a pity yet another set of names are required for algorithms that have 
been around for a while, eg "HS256", instead of "HmacSHA256" (Java's name) or 
"hmac-sha256" (fragment from XML digital signatures) or "HMAC-SHA256" 
(mimicking OAuth1). If we really want to save bytes, we could use "alg":"H" and 
use the length of the signature to distinguish between SHA-256/384/512.

Section 7.1 "Signing a JWT with HMAC SHA-256"

Drop "SHA-256" from the section name as it specifies signing with HMAC SHA-384 
and HMAC SHA-512 as well.

Similarly rename sections 7.2 to "Signing a JWT with RSA" and section 7.3 to 
"Signing a JWT with ECDSA".

Section 3.1 "Example unsigned JWT"

The base64url encoding of the example doesn't include a '-' or '_' character, 
which would be helpful as these are the important differences from normal 
base64. Changing ".../is_root" to ".../~is_root" adds a "-" to the encoding.


James Manger

From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Mike 
Sent: Friday, 24 September 2010 10:22 AM
To: oauth@ietf.org
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] JSON Web Token (JWT) Specification Draft

Recognizing that there is substantial interest in representing sets of claims 
in JSON tokens, Yaron Goland and I have put together a draft JSON Web Token 
(JWT) spec for that purpose.

To answer the obvious question, while this was produced independently of Dirk's 
JSON token 
 both of us agree that we should come up with a unified spec.  Consider this an 
additional point in the possible design space from which to start discussions 
and drive consensus.  (If you read the two proposals, I think you'll find that 
there's already a lot in common, which is great.)

Thanks to those of you who have already given us feedback to improve the draft 
prior to this point.


                                                            -- Mike

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