In part II, how is the signature bound to the HTTP request URI? I see the 
method and body, but not the request URI.


On 9/23/10 3:39 PM, "Dirk Balfanz" <> wrote:

Hi guys,

sorry it took a while, but here is an updated proposal. It's still in three 

Part I is about "JSON Tokens" that can be used for all sorts of things, not 
just OAuth:

Part II is about how to embed an OAuth token and (some parts of) an HTTP 
request into a JSON Token:

Part III is how to use signatures instead of client secrets for assertions in 

Diffs from the last specs are:

- JSON Tokens are now just a profile of Magic Signatures, which John Panzer has 
helpfully extended for this purpose
- There was a vulnerability to masquerading attacks in the last proposal, which 
is addressed in this proposal by adding a data_type parameter that is part of 
the signature, but _not_ part of the payload.
- no more support of X.509 certs - the only supported format for discovered 
public keys is now the Magic Key format. We'll give people tools (which are 
quite easy to write) to convert their self-signed or CA-issued certs to magic 
- The specs are now formatted as I-Ds.

Comments, please!


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