>> Luke Shepard also indicated in his posting
>> http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg03509.html that
>> facebook supports the user agent flow for desktop applications. Facebook's
>> iOS SDK seems to use the same technique for mobile apps.
> Yes, Facebook is recommending the User-Agent flow for desktop
> applications. This works for them because access tokens issued by
> Facebook are not short lived, I don't think they expire. The desktop
> app does not need a refresh token.
> If the authz server is issuing short lived access tokens and also
> refresh tokens then the user-agent profile does not work so well
> anymore. As far as I can tell in this case there is no reason to use
> this profile with desktop apps, just use the web server profile.

That's true. Although code_and_token is intended to solve that - you get the 
access token in the response, and then you can use the code to exchange for a 
refresh token on the server side if you need longer term access. There's no 
reason for a user agent to ever have a refresh token (since the performance 
optimization doesn't make sense when you are refreshing after an expiration 

> Marius
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