I'm more in favor of this alternative:

[1] http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg02300.html

But I can see use cases for both: they basically look at the same
problem from both sides. If Marius would like to bring his draft up to
current spec, I would support its inclusion as a WG item along side of

 -- Justin

On Fri, 2010-08-27 at 16:26 -0400, David Recordon wrote:
> This draft is now an Internet Draft and I'm curious if anyone has any
> feedback on
> it? http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-recordon-oauth-v2-upgrade-00
> I'd also like to request that this draft moves to become a Working
> Group item. I'm am happy to act as the editor unless someone else
> wishes to do so moving forward.
> Thanks,
> --David
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 10:39 PM, David Recordon <record...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>         The ability to upgrade OAuth 1.0 tokens and secrets to OAuth
>         2.0 access tokens has come up on the list a few times.
>         Attached is a draft assertion format which allows a client to
>         trade an OAuth 1.0 token/secret pair for an OAuth 2.0 access
>         token. The assertion format is a JSON object with values for
>         the token and token secret. My goal is that this draft become
>         a working group document.
>         A question for the group is if upgrading multiple tokens at
>         once is a necessary use case? The assertion format within the
>         core spec only supports issuing a single access token.
>         Facebook has a custom endpoint which allows upgrading multiple
>         tokens at once, but I don't actually have data about how many
>         developers make use of that functionality.
>         Thanks,
>         --David

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