Yes, I'm talking about 5.2.1

For JSONP the user's browser is the client. It will make a request by executing 
some HTML like this:

function jsonp_cb(response) {
  if (response.error) {
    // error out
  // do cool things

(this is done instead of an AJAX request, because of cross-domain restrictions).

As to Aaron's point, Google sends 3 parameters to the callback function, which 
I kind of like since the user can choose to get the code or not. Something like:

  "error": "invalid_request",
  "error_description": "An active access token must be used to query
information about the current user."
'Bad Request');

which you can grab with

function jsonp_cb(response, code, status) {

or ignore it with

function jsonp_cb(response) {

But all of this is outside of the spec. I just want to make sure the spec says 
that the HTTP status code can send as 200 if the server+client need it for 


On Aug 16, 2010, at 3:09 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:

> I would like to furthermore track down the relevant use cases. Assuming you 
> are referring to section 5.2.1, how does your client send the access token to 
> the resource server? I'm asking because I think error handling for URI query 
> parameters, Body parameters and Authorization headers could be handled 
> differently. For URI query parameters and Body parameters, returning the 
> error code in the payload instead of the status code would be acceptable from 
> my point of view since authentication is also pushed to the application 
> level. In contrast when using HTTP authentication, 40(x) status codes 
> together with WWW-Authenticate are a must have.
> Would such a differentiation help you?
> regards,
> Torsten.
> John Panzer schrieb:
>> Is there ever a case other than jsonp where this is necessary?
>> On Monday, August 16, 2010, Aaron Parecki <> wrote:
>>> Excellent point. Would it be worth it to include a new error_code
>>> parameter in the JSON response so that clients have a way to get the
>>> http status code from the data available in the jsonp response?
>>> The response in this case might look like this
>>> jsonp_cb({
>>>    "error_code": 400,
>>>   "error": "invalid_request",
>>>   "error_description": "An active access token must be used to query
>>> information about the current user."
>>> });
>>> Aaron
>>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:16 PM, Luke Shepard <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> +1
>>> On Aug 13, 2010, at 2:31 PM, Paul Tarjan wrote:
>>> Hi Fellow OAuthers,
>>> If a resource wants to return data via the JSONP mechanism then it MUST 
>>> return an HTTP 200 error code, or else the browser won't actually call the 
>>> callback. The OAuth spec as it stands requires HTTP 400 or 401 or 403 on 
>>> errors which won't ever tell the client that an error happens.
>>> For example:
>>> GET /me?callback=jsonp_cb HTTP/1.1
>>> Host: <>
>>> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>>> Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=UTF-8
>>> Content-Length: 152
>>> jsonp_cb({   "error": "invalid_request",   "error_description": "An active 
>>> access token must be used to query information about the current user."
>>> });
>>> would never get sent to the browser if we obeyed the spec and sent it as an 
>>> HTTP 400.
>>> ---
>>> So, I recommend we add wording to 5.2.1 like:
>>> If the protected resource is issuing a response that requires a different 
>>> HTTP status code than the one specified (for example, JSONP), then it MAY 
>>> use an alternate HTTP code. The server should make it clear which 
>>> parameters trigger this mode so that clients know not to rely on the HTTP 
>>> status code for error detection.
>>> Paul_______________________________________________
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