I think OAuth 2.0 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-10)
User Agent profile is not very secure. Please let me know where/if I'm

Let us take a look at step C in Figure 5 :

"Redirect URI with access token in fragment."

It's written everywhere that one should not really put secrets to a
URL. Access token and that URL are all I need to get an access to the
protected resource, right?

Let us assume that somebody copy/pasted that URL from a web server's
access log file or from a Proxy log file and then replayed it 1000

If an action behind the protected resource was to buy a book at
Amazon, does it mean that a victim will be charged for 1000 books?

Also, is there any protection against CSRF or replay attacks in this case?


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