Thanks George. My response is inline.

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 2:51 PM, George Fletcher <> wrote:
> Question.  In the proposal, how does google know that the request is being
> presented by ""? Is the secret used for the magic
> signature in the first request, the user's private key? So in this case
> would have dbounds' private key in order to generate the
> signature? (This seems to be implied from the oauth-push doc; at least from
> my reading).

Google would perform a WebFinger on the acct: URI, discovery XRD
( The
XRD would present my Magic Signature Key which would be used to
verification the signature in the assertion.

> I love the idea of allowing access to protected resources by individuals
> that do not have an "account" at the provider. This is a critical next step
> in the set of capabilities supported by OAuth and other technologies.
> However, I'm not quite show how the provider verifies the presented user
> identifier. Meaning, how does the provider protect against me specifying
> someone else's identifier and getting access to the protected resource.

The actions mentioned above ensure the assertion was made by and not spoofed.


darren bounds
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