By not incorporating the client_id parameter, you are preventing this client 
authentication mode from being used with the end-user authorization endpoint. 
In -09 I tried to separate the client_id from the client_secret, basically 
moving the client_id to the token endpoint as an endpoint parameter, and only 
using client_secret as the authentication method (which at the time was in-line 
with your earlier proposal).

I understand that in many assertions, the client identifier is established 
internally, but this approach will completely prevent using the assertion 
client authentication method with other flows that involve getting a code.


From: [] On Behalf Of Yaron 
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Proposed language for section 2.2 on Client Assertions

The following is proposed language for inclusion in the spec as section 2.2. I 
would like to thank Brian Campbell, Brain Eaton, Chuck Mortimore, Dirk Balfanz, 
Eric Sachs, Justin Smith and Marius Scurtescu for taking the time to review and 
improve this proposal. Please note that the named folks contributed the good 
ideas and I just focused on introducing anything that is broken.

So what does the group think? +1? -1?


2.2 Assertion Client Credentials

While Client Passwords provide a simple mechanism for authenticating clients 
they require that a secret, the password, be sent over the network. Even when 
the network connection is encrypted sending secrets over a network connection 
is considered a potentially serious security threat. In scenarios where 
security is at a premium, it is preferred to use mechanisms such as Hash-based 
Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) or digital signatures that do not require 
sending secrets across the wire. The most common way to use HMACs or digital 
signatures is in assertions. Therefore this section defines how to authenticate 
a client using an assertion instead of a password.

The following parameters are used when a client authenticates itself using an 

                REQUIRED. The format of the assertion as defined by the 
authorization server.  The value MUST be an absolute URI.
                REQUIRED. The client assertion.
For example (line breaks are for display purposes only):

                POST /token HTTP/1.1
                Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

                client_assertion=PHNhbWxwOl...[omitted for brevity]...ZT4%3D&

In the previous example the client is submitting an authorization code to a 
token endpoint using a SAML assertion to authenticate itself.

The client_id and client_secret parameters MUST NOT be used with the 
client_assertion and client_assertion_type parameters.

Requests for end user authorization as defined in section 3 are required to 
contain a client_id parameter. If the response to the authorization request is 
a code then that code is submitted to a token endpoint to obtain an access 
token. For this flow to work with assertions there must exist some mechanism to 
map the value in the client_id parameter of the authorization request to the 
assertion that is subsequently submitted with the code to get an access token. 
How this works with any particular assertion type is out of scope for this 
document. However, any document that defines how to use an assertion of a 
particular type with OAuth 2.0 MUST define how to map the value from the 
client_id parameter in the authorization request to a value or values in the 
assertion subsequently submitted with the code to obtain an access token.

Token endpoints MUST reject assertions that do not contain HMAC/signed values 
that identify that the assertion is specifically intended to be consumed by the 
receiving endpoint. This requirement is typically met by some value in the 
assertion such as audience or recipient which contains the token endpoint's URI 
or other agreed upon identifier.

Token endpoints MUST reject assertions that do not contain HMAC/signed values 
that identify the entity that generated the assertion. This requirement is 
typically met by some value in the assertion such as issuer which contains a 
URI or other agreed upon identifier that identifies the entity that generated 
the assertion.

Token endpoints MUST reject assertions that do not contain HMAC/signed values 
that identify when the assertion is to expire as an absolute time. This 
requirement is typically met by some value in the assertion such as expiration 
that contains a UTC date/time value or equivalent time stamp identifying when 
the assertion will expire. Token endpoints MUST reject assertions whose 
expiration time is beyond a certain limit in the future. The definition of that 
limit MUST be based on the security requirements of the resource being 
protected. The limits to choose for any particular type of resource/data are 
application specific and depend upon a combination of what technologies are 
being used, what key policies are being followed, what laws may apply, etc. and 
therefore are out of scope for this document.

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