On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:
> The current proposal for a 1.0->2.0 upgrade flow is to use the assertion
> profile and pass the OAuth token in there. Instead, one could create an
> endpoint that speaks the 1.0 protocol fully, signatures and client
> secrets and everything, but issues 2.0 tokens, JSON and all. It's a
> hybridized endpoint also, but put together with the opposite pieces. In
> both cases, you put a 1.0 token in one end and get a 2.0 token out the
> other. But in this case, the request being made is a completely vanilla
> OAuth 1.0 protected resource access request.

I already proposed something like that, if there is interest I can
update the proposal to be in line with the latest spec:

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