On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:40 PM, William Mills <wmi...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> That's even worse I think, it's a harder problem.

Revoking previously issued refresh tokens is pretty easy.

Revoking the corresponding access tokens is hard in general, but in
some environments is feasible.

> Why do we want to revoke previously issued tokens here?

The threat model is an attacker who somehow grabs a verification code
from a user on the fly, then races to be the first one to exchange the
verification code with the authorization server.  The idea is to make
sure that if there is a race, the attacker always loses eventually.

This is sort of a remote scenario, though.  In practice if
verification codes leak, we're going to have trouble keeping the
protocol secure.

> It closes one door but opens a DOS attack.

What's the DOS attack?
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