On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Andrew Arnott <andrewarn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, got it.  Yes, we're on the same page.
> I happen to store the authorization tuple (mentioned in another thread)
> rather than the refresh token itself.  That way I can issue an arbitrary
> number of refresh tokens for the same client/user/scope/issued_date set
> without storing any extra data in the database, but I can still support
> revocations by deleting the standing authorization from the db.  Obviously,
> each time a refresh token is received, its corresponding tuple in the table
> is checked to be present to detect revocations.

That's a reasonable design trade-off...

One possible issue there is compromise of the token database.  If a
token database leaks for any reason, all of the refresh tokens would
have to be revoked.

If you stored a one-way hash of the tokens instead, compromise of the
token database would be less dangerous.  (Note that this depends how
the database was compromised, of course...)
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