On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 8:03 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
> I think authorization credential is going to confuse most readers. The spec
> refers to credentials almost exclusively when dealing with identifier and
> password (client, end-user), or as a general term for client authentication.
> Authorization is specific to the end-user authorization endpoint and will be
> confusing when used with assertions and other grant types.

This doesn't hold water.  "authorization credential" is consistent
with existing practice and definition:


   $ credential(s)
      (I) Data that is transferred or presented to establish either a
      claimed identity or the authorizations of a system entity. (See:
      authentication information, capability, ticket.)

> Note that since this term impacts the name of the current 'grant_type'
> parameter, changing it means code changes.

Given the number of bugs in the -09 spec, I don't think this matters.
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