On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 6:03 AM, Justin Richer <jric...@mitre.org> wrote:
> #2 is the best route forward. If a particular extension requires its
> parameters to be present and handled, then it has a few different
> options. One is breaking at the server side, either with an explicit
> error or throwing away some other required bit, which has been
> mentioned. Another is looking for a callback return parameter on the
> client side. If the server doesn't return it, then the server didn't
> support that extension and the client should break the flow at that
> point.
> I want to ask the list though: what exactly do we mean by ignoring
> parameters? Is it that a server library will ignore unknown parameters
> coming in when doing its processing? That I agree with completely. Same
> with parameters coming back to the client from the server. If you don't
> know about it, don't try to do anything with it. The one case that I
> don't think libraries can *ignore* extra parameters is when using a
> client library to build a request to a server. A particular server
> implementation may require extra parameters on the request in order to
> function (such as MediaWiki's title parameter), and a client needs to be
> able to pass such things through. These parameters can effectively be
> thought of as part of the address of the server URL, can be ignored by
> the OAuth part of the server process, but cannot be dropped by the
> client building the request. So "ignore" in this case means "quietly
> pass through" and not "drop".
> In most instances outside of the Big Web Companies, OAuth is going to be
> the new kid being grafted onto an existing framework or application. As
> such, it really needs to play nice.

Just a side note, with extensions also being simple names added to the
protocol chances of a collision with an existing framework are much
higher. Using MediaWiki as an example, if an extension proposes to use
'title' as a parameter name it will be approved if it does not collied
with other OAuth 2 parameter names (core or extensions), but
frameworks will not be checked (that is impossible).

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