On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Marius Scurtescu [mailto:mscurte...@google.com]
>> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:56 PM
>> >> Basically, why cannot be that problem solved by 2 different requests,
>> >> both done by the JavaScript layer?
>> >>
>> >> If latency is a problem, it would be good to know exactly where. I
>> >> assume that authorization codes are issued very infrequently. Does
>> >> this new token_and_code mode eliminate a transaction every two
>> weeks?
>> >> Does that make a difference?
>> >
>> > The advantage of the user-agent flow is that it address the lack of client
>> authentication with the presence of the end-user. The server might not
>> know who the client really is, but it does know that the right user is 
>> sitting in
>> front of the client authorizing the request. It doesn't solve phishing but it
>> provides some security.
>> Sure, but how is this affected by token_and_code? The authz server knows
>> who the user is when it issues the access token and the authorization code.
>> The authorization code is passed down to the client server and now the client
>> server asks for access/refresh tokens. No user this time but potentially 
>> there
>> is a client secret.
> But those are two different parts of the client. Returning a direct access 
> token uses the fact that the end-user it present which provides a measure of 
> security because a good UI can help explain to the end-user what is going on 
> and put context into the transaction. If we force clients who need the access 
> token both in the client and on the server to use only the code mode, then 
> they need to find a way to share that access token. However, an access token 
> issued using a code and client secret will potentially have more power than 
> an access token issued using the user-agent direct communication.
> The alternative of using both flows means annoying the end-user.

Not if the second flow is done in immediate mode.

>> > In the case where a client (native application or user-agent) works in
>> > tandem with a server-based component, using just the web-server flow
>> > has two disadvantages I'm aware of: the client has to be more complex
>> > because it requires callbacks in order to obtain the access token from
>> > the server (multiple calls and more complex calls than just a simple
>> > server-hosted script),
>> The JavaScript client can either use the authorization code with a direct 
>> call
>> (as you probably suggest), but then it cannot pass the authorization code
>> down to the client server anymore. The JavaScript client can do a separate
>> User-Agent call in immediate mode to get an access token directly. This is
>> what it would normally do. No point in swapping the authorization code since
>> it can be exchanged only once.
> I think relying on immediate mode is a possible but more complex solution 
> which can break depending on the state of cookies and sessions.

Not sure if a JavaScript client can reliably work without an immediate
mode. Access tokens are short lived, the user would have to approve
every single renewal (which could be every hour).

Again, all I am saying is that it would help to have a very detailed
use case for this token_and_code mode, to see if it is really needed.
Or, an actual implementation.

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