What about the 'request_url' indirection (without sig and enc)?

On 2010/06/18, at 6:36, Eran Hammer-Lahav <e...@hueniverse.com> wrote:

With the exception of extensibility, I consider draft -08 to be feature complete. This means that the draft contains all the features and components needed and other then editorial work is close to finished. I plan to finish work on the -09 draft by Mon or Tue next week which will include the extensibility text, additional editorial work, and resolution of the proposal to simplify the end- user authorization endpoint. At that point, I intend to ask for an interim last-call on the normative language (i.e. the implementation details).

Note that this last-call isn’t really a WG last call. The spec can c hange after that. But it will be a useful milestone to figure out if the draft’s implementation details are stable and can be considered complete.

All of this of course requires the approval of the chairs.


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