A good question!

I suspect I know the problem here.

In mobile networks users are authenticated separately and for separate purposes. So, one gets authenticated via MSISDN for the link layer connection, with IMSI--for UMTS, with IMPI--for IMS. (All of these are achieved by using the AKA protocol.)

There is a Generic 3GPP Bootstrapping Architecture standard, which specifies the method for application authentication, but it has not been widely deployed, and--to the best of my knowledge--it is not supported by browsers.

I do think that AKA can be used directly, with the IETF version of AKA digest, and we have in fact researched and found the solution for OpenID (http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123441615/abstract), which can be extended to geolocation. This would indeed allow to authenticate on IMSI or MSISDN.


Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
Hi Kevin,

what problems do you have with pre-paid users? Is your network unable to authenticate them (by IMSI or MSISDN)?


Am 08.06.2010 18:31, schrieb Kevin Smith:
Hi David, Blaine,

We (the OneAPI group) have been looking further into OAUTH 2.0 and would like to see how it can work in a mobile network scenario: for example, a desktop Web application wants to locate a mobile user to plot their location on a map. So the client is the Web application and the server is an HTTP platform sitting on top of the mobile core network.

It seems that the Web application could register a client ID and client secret with the OneAPI-implementing server. When location is requested by this client, the server would prompt the user, and if permission were received, would enable the client to access the location via an access token/secret.

One difference to the regular OAUTH flow is that 'post-pay' contract network subscribers would not have to enter a username/password to identify themselves since they would be implicitly identified on the network anyway; they would just need to confirm authorisation ('Allow/Block'). We are not sure how to handle pre-pay users that buy phone credits in advance.

In case either of you (or any other OAUTH expert) would be available to lead a discussion on the technology, and to answer questions from mobile operators and platform vendors, we are having a meeting next Tuesday in London. The meeting is also accessible over Webex. Please let me know if you would be willing to do so, as I'm sure it will help kick-start our implementation work.


On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 6:13 AM, David Recordon <record...@gmail.com <mailto:record...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    +OAuth IETF list
    -WRAP list to BCC

    Hi Kevin,
    OAuth 2.0 should be pretty simple for you to implement and any
    feedback your team has would be really appreciated! There are
    already implementations in Cocoa, Python, and Ruby list on the
    wiki at http://wiki.oauth.net/OAuth-2.0 and you find find the
    spec at http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hammer-oauth2-00.

    You may also be interested in the mobile web implementation we've
    built at Facebook. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/mobile/

    I'm also cc'ing Blaine Cook who lives in Ireland and might be
    able to present.


    On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:20 AM, Kevin Smith, Vodafone
    <mrkrcsm...@googlemail.com <mailto:mrkrcsm...@googlemail.com>> wrote:

        Dear OAUTH WRAP group,

        My name is Kevin Smith of Vodafone R&D, and I lead a cross-mobile
        operator project called OneAPI ('Open Network Enablers') [1].
        The aim
        is to provide a RESTful API to expose network functions such as
        location, messaging, payments and more to developers; with the
        reckoning that this will make it far easier to mash-up Web
        applications with network capabilities and reduce the time to
        all mobile subscribers in a territory. Thus far we have a
        live pilot
        implementation across the 3 major Canadian operators [2] and
        a non-
        commercial test site connected to
        12 European operators [3], and will be releasing v1.0
        backed by the OMA this month.

        For the first release we did not attempt to prescribe an AAA
        model to
        operators, instead leaving them to reuse their own SDP AAA
        implementation for OneAPI. For our second phase now underway
        we would
        like to provide a recommended reference implementation AAA
        model for
        operators who are unsure how to allow secure API access whilst
        allowing user consent and privacy to be respected. Therefore
        we have
        discussed OAUTH as an ideal candidate that will be well-known
        to Web

        My question regards the suitability of WRAP for such a reference
        implementation: the decoupling of authentication is good
        sense and
        would be welcome by operators, however it appears that WRAP is
        deprecated and is intended to be replaced by OAUTH 2.0 - is that
        right?  Please could you provide any details on the plans for
        the two will interoperate? If it's at all possible, we would
        very much
        welcome a member of the group to present on WRAP at one of
        our face-to-
        face meetings in London - if that is of interest please let
        me know
        and I can make arrangements.

        Thanks for your time and look forward to your advice.

        Kind regards,

        [1] http://www.gsmworld.com/oneapi
        [2] http://canada.oneapi.gsmworld.com/
        [3] http://oneapi.aepona.com/

        Kevin Smith
        Senior Technology Strategist, R&D
        Vodafone Technology

        E-mail: kevin.sm...@vodafone.com

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