Do you mean minutes?

The chairs are working on that, AFAIK.


On 6/1/10 1:20 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
> is there a protocol of the interim meeting?
> Am 01.06.2010 20:47, schrieb Peter Saint-Andre:
>> We discussed this a bit at the interim meeting, but I don't think we
>> came to any consensus.
>> On 6/1/10 12:46 PM, Torsten Lodderstedt wrote:
>>> Is there anyone who can answer my questions?
>>> Am 30.05.2010 17:56, schrieb Torsten Lodderstedt:
>>>> I have some questions regarding the WWW-Authenticate header's "scope"
>>>> attribute.
>>>> The spec states
>>>> "The "scope" attribute is a space-delimited list of URIs (relative or
>>>>     absolute) indicating the required scope of the access token for
>>>>     accessing the requested resource."
>>>> Which of the scope URIs are required for accessing the resource
>>>> server, at least one or all of them?
>>>> How is an interoperable OAuth2 client supposed to use this atttribute?
>>>> Shall the client copy the content into the scope parameter of a
>>>> subsequent authorization request?
>>>> What is the envisioned behavior if a client seeks for access
>>>> authorization to different resources, which happen to rely on the same
>>>> authorization server? Is the client allowed to combine the scope
>>>> attributes from the WWW-Authenticate header of both resources in a
>>>> single authorization flow? This would allow the client to obtain
>>>> authorization with a single flow. From my point of view, reducing the
>>>> number of authorization flows would improve user experience.
>>>> How is as equivalence of authorization servers determined (token-uri,
>>>> user-uri, both)?
>>>> regards,

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