On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Murali VP <mural...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Anyway to find out what the outcome was from the May 20th interim meeting?
> I
> wanted to participate but had to be at Google I/O.
> 3.5.  User-Agent Flow
> 1. Since the client_id is public, the only check that prevents from
> any client posing as a registered client is the redirect_uri, this is
> fine, except that if client web application has numerous domains, each
> domain should register and have a separate client_id which is a pain.
> The alternative of a single redirect_uri returning a 302 won't work
> since the fragment will no more be available (I guess there are ways
> to get around this).

You can have a single redirect_uri that does a client side redirect using
JavaScript. The only catch is that this is dangerous from a security
perspective - your additional redirect needs to have strict rules about the
domains it can forward to - so this should be considered a power-developer
technique and we need to write up best practices or better provide a JS
library that has gone through review.

> 2. It is not clear from the draft how a user agent flow would refresh
> an access token. As per section 4, client does a HTTP(S) POST to
> authorization server which seems to return a 200 to user-agent if the
> request was successful leaving the user-agent in authorization
> server's domain with a JSON response data! If user-agent flow cannot
> refresh access token, why did it send the refresh_token in the first
> place in the fragment?
> 3. The draft doesn't seem to mention how a client in the user-agent
> can make protected resource requests given that such requests would be
> cross domain. The only viable option seems to be JSONP requests (eg.
> Facebook). The specification should include some material describing
> protected resource requests in the user-agent flow case.
> A relatively less important question:
> Since the request token has been eliminated, the web server flow (3.6)
> which comes close to the widely adopted OAuth 1.0's 3-legged oauth
> flow but without much of a dance isn't backward compatible, is this a
> known decision?
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