I'm definitely interesting in the ability to change the scope "dynamically", replacing an existing access token with a new access token. We use something very similar today in the AOL service APIs.

One question in regards to your proposal. If the client asks for a scope that the user hasn't approved... how would that flow work (using either the modify endpoint or the existing token endpoint)? It seems like the client needs to send the user back to the authorize endpoint with the new scope in order for the user to give consent.

It would also be good if the host could identify which scope is needed when the client performs some action that is not authorized.


On 5/16/10 1:34 PM, Dick Hardt wrote:
John / David: is this a feature you would want to implement? If no one wants it, we can drop it.

On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 11:52 PM, John Panzer <jpan...@google.com <mailto:jpan...@google.com>> wrote:

    (Note that in my use case, it's actually the client who wants to
    dispose of its dangerous full-access token as quickly as possible,
    retaining only the least-authority token it needs to continue its
    ongoing work.  This would be the case even if the token granting
    service is handing out tokens like free candy.)

    On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:43 PM, David Recordon
    <record...@gmail.com <mailto:record...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        I'm wondering if this could be achieved by adding an optional
        parameter to the existing refresh request versus creating a new
        request type. Both because Dick's proposed text requires a refresh
        token and it seems like services worried about this sort of
        risk would
        not want to issue long lived access tokens.


        On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:39 PM, John Panzer
        <jpan...@google.com <mailto:jpan...@google.com>> wrote:
        > Yes; a service that does a one time configuration step,
        > extensive access, followed by an ongoing lower level of
        access (say,
        > read-only).  Lowering access means it only needs to store
        > tokens in its data store, limiting exposure (and liability).
        > On Monday, May 10, 2010, Eran Hammer-Lahav
        <e...@hueniverse.com <mailto:e...@hueniverse.com>> wrote:
        >> Are there actual use cases for this? Either way sounds like
        it belongs in an extension.
        >> EHL
        >>> -----Original Message-----
        >>> From: Marius Scurtescu [mailto:mscurte...@google.com
        >>> Sent: Monday, May 10, 2010 12:49 PM
        >>> To: Eran Hammer-Lahav
        >>> Cc: Dick Hardt; OAuth WG (oauth@ietf.org
        >>> Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] modifying the scope of an access token
        >>> On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav
        >>> <e...@hueniverse.com <mailto:e...@hueniverse.com>> wrote:
        >>> > This would only work for the client credentials flow
        (because you keep the
        >>> same authorization source). For all other flows you are
        breaking the
        >>> authorization boundaries.
        >>> If the requested scope is a subset of the original scope
        associated with the
        >>> refresh token then it should be acceptable, right?
        >>> This would allow a client to request a larger set of
        scopes, needed for all API
        >>> calls need for its function, but then get sub-scoped
        access tokens, particular
        >>> to each API. This will prevent an API from receiving a too
        powerful access
        >>> token. A compromised API could use access tokens to place
        calls against
        >>> other APIs, but not if it is narrowly scoped.
        >>> Marius
        >>> >
        >>> > What would be useful is to allow asking for more scope.
        For example, when
        >>> asking for a token (the last step of each flow), also
        include a valid token to
        >>> get a new token with the combined scope (new approval and
        >>> >
        >>> > EHL
        >>> >
        >>> >> -----Original Message-----
        >>> >> From: oauth-boun...@ietf.org
        <mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org> [mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org
        <mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>] On
        >>> >> Behalf Of Dick Hardt
        >>> >> Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 7:19 PM
        >>> >> To: OAuth WG (oauth@ietf.org <mailto:oauth@ietf.org>)
        >>> >> Subject: [OAUTH-WG] modifying the scope of an access token
        >>> >>
        >>> >> There has been some discussion about modifying the
        scope of the
        >>> >> access token during a refresh. Perhaps we can add
        another "method" to
        >>> >> what the AS MAY support that allows modifying the scope
        of an access
        >>> >> token. Type of request is "modify" and the scope
        parameter is
        >>> >> required to indicate the new scope required. Suggested
        copy below:
        >>> >>
        >>> >> type
        >>> >>       REQUIRED. The parameter value MUST be set to modify
        >>> >>
        >>> >> client_id
        >>> >>       REQUIRED. The client identifier as described in
        Section 3.4.
        >>> >>
        >>> >> client_secret
        >>> >>       REQUIRED if the client was issued a secret. The
        client secret.
        >>> >>
        >>> >> refresh_token
        >>> >>       REQUIRED. The refresh token associated with the
        access token to
        >>> >> be refreshed.
        >>> >>
        >>> >> scope
        >>> >>       REQUIRED. The new scope of the access request
        expressed as a
        >>> >> list of space-delimited strings. The value of the scope
        parameter is
        >>> >> defined by the authorization server. If the value
        contains multiple
        >>> >> space-delimited strings, their order does not matter,
        and each string
        >>> >> adds additional access range to the requested scope.
        >>> >>
        >>> >> secret_type
        >>> >>       OPTIONAL. The access token secret type as
        described by Section 8.3.
        >>> >> If omitted, the authorization server will issue a
        bearer token (an
        >>> >> access token without a matching secret) as described by
        Section 8.2.
        >>> >>
        >>> >> _______________________________________________
        >>> >> OAuth mailing list
        >>> >> OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>
        >>> >> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth
        >>> > _______________________________________________
        >>> > OAuth mailing list
        >>> > OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>
        >>> > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth
        >>> >
        >> _______________
        > --
        > --
        > John Panzer / Google
        > jpan...@google.com <mailto:jpan...@google.com> /
        abstractioneer.org <http://abstractioneer.org> / @jpanzer
        > _______________________________________________
        > OAuth mailing list
        > OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>
        > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth

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