On 2010-05-16, at 3:46 PM, oauth issue tracker wrote:

> #6: Make automated self-registration of unique clients possible
> -----------------------------+----------------------------------------------
> Reporter:  e...@…            |       Owner:     
>     Type:  enhancement      |      Status:  new
> Priority:  major            |   Milestone:     
> Component:  authentication   |     Version:     
> Severity:  -                |    Keywords:     
> -----------------------------+----------------------------------------------
> Comment(by e...@…):
> (I agree the spec is getting pretty long. I wonder if it's possible to do
> some factoring-out of common text, e.g. regarding common features of
> flows, to mitigate this. The length is actually making me waver a bit on
> my previously shared opinion about including all the currently known flows
> into the core protocol document...)

IMHO: Reading one long document is better than reading two or more shorter 
documents that combined are the same size or longer. I think the current 
factoring in the document lets someone read only the flows they need. If need 
be, we could clarify that in the copy. I had that in WRAP.

-- Dick

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