1. Server Response Format
  A. Form-encoded only (original draft)
  B. JSON only (current draft)
  C. JSON as default with form-encoded and XML available with an optional 
request parameter

Vote for C, to be specified as: "Server MUST support JSON, form-encoded, and 
XML. Client MAY request any of the three, specified by a "format" parameter. 
Server will respond with JSON unless requested otherwise. Generic client 
libraries SHOULD support all three." Other formats (say, LISP s-expressions or 
Java Properties File format) can be specified through extensions that define 
the encoding and the value of the "format" parameter to match. Generation of 
valid data in these three formats is a much simpler problem than parsing, so 
I'd wager this isn't much of an imposition on the servers. Personally, I always 
found the form-encoded response a little strange, though I agree with the 
notion of "keep it as simple as possible". 


2. Client Authentication (in flows)
   A. Client authenticates by sending its credentials using special parameters 
(current draft)
   B. Client authenticated by using HTTP Basic (or other schemes supported by 
the server such as Digest)

Option A is absolutely still needed. I agree with Dick that OAuth should be 
self-contained wherever possible. But that said, I can see value in something 
like B as well for some deployments. I propose that we actually define a new 
flow for these cases, but instead of specifying Basic or Digest, we simply say 
that the client authenticates to the server using some out-of-band 
authentication method. It expected by the OAuth bits that the AS knows who the 
client represents by the time the request gets there. However the AS figures 
that out can effectively be outside the realm of OAuth, which gives us the 
ability to leverage Basic/Digest or other means (maybe even other OAuth 
tokens?) to accomplish this.

 -- Justin

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